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Kaitlin Starr

As the only female member of the V.R Troopers, Kaitlin Starr defends Crossworld City from Grimlord. As the Underground Daily's top photojournalist, she tries to defend the city from Karl Ziktor's scandals by exposing them. (Too bad she never discovered that the two creeps were one and the same.)

Kaitlin is a spirited woman who puts all of her energy into anything she does. She is a loyal friend and a top notch fighter. She is also very observant and resorsful. It's a shame she was pushed into the background so much during V.R. Troopers' second season.

When the team needs an extra set of hands, Kaitlin calls on her once evil twin, V.R. Kaitlin 2.

Kaitlin is played by Sara Brown.

Pictures provided by: Sara Brown Home Page (Forgot what the adress was) and Pocztawki Fox Kids' web site. (Adress won't work)

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