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Merrick Balitou(Lunar Wolf Wild Force Ranger)

Three-thousand years ago, Merrick was one of Animeria's eliete warriors and Princess Shayla's protector. He, along with the other five wrriors defended Animeria from the evil Orgs.

After the great Megazord Animus was destroyed by the first Master Org, there semed to be no hope left for Animeria. That was when Merrick desided to find and don the ledgendary wolf mask of Zen-Aku, a mask with great and terrible power. Ledgends didn't lie. After putting on the mask, Merrick and his three wild zords, the Wolf, Hammerhead Shark, and Aligator, were infused with the power they needed to form the Predizord and destroy Master Org. Happy ending right?

Wrong. Merrick soon found that he couldn't remove the mask and it wasn't long before it transformed him into the evil duke org, Zen-Aku. As Zen-Aku, Merrick attacked his five comrades, who were then left with no choice to lock him away in a coffin.

Three-thousand years later, the org general Nayzor released Zen-Aku in order to help the new Master Org destroy the Wild Force Rangers. Zen-Aku, at first, had no memory of who he had been, and eagerly launched many battles against the Rangers and stole the Elephant, Geraffe, Black Bear and Polar Bear Wild Zords from them.

Then one night, when it looked like Zen-Aku would finaly finish off the Wild Force Rangers, the spirit of Animus caused a lunar eclipse that cut off Zen-Aku's power and caused him to revert back to Merrick long enough for him to tell the Wild Force his story. Sadly, it wasn't long before the eclipse ended and Merrick was Zen-Aku again.

Princess Shayla later discovered that if Merrick's Predazord was defeated in battle, the curse would be broken. The Wild Force was able to acomplish this with the help of Danny's new zords, the Armadillo and Rhino.

Merrick was back to normal, but he wasn't ready to join the Wild Force. He felt too guilty about what he'd done as Zen-Aku and wanted to make up for it first. He found Master Org and Nayzor and demanded that they give him the four Wild Zords that Zen-Aku had stolen. They instead used the Zords' power to create Quadra-Org, who gave both Merrick and the Wild Force a hard time until Merrick's animal crystals came him alive and gave him the Lunar Calller, the morpher of the Lunar Wolf Ranger.

Merrick used the Predazord to defeat Quadra-Org and then single handedly defeated Nayzor. He returned the Wild Force's stolen Zords to their owners and left to find his own way in the world.

Merrick still felt guilty about his actions as Zen-Aku and woring with the Rangers and visiting the Animeriun reminded him too much of the friends he'd lost during the first war with the Orgs. So he kept his distiance from the Wild Force and Princess Shayla as much as he could, and only worked with the when they really needed him. But like all loner Rangers, the friendship of the other Rangers drew Merrick closer and closer to them.

Besides battling Orgs, Merrick is good at playing the flute and playing pool. His best friend, besides the Rangers and the Wild Zords, is Whille, owner of Whillie's Roadside Cafe. Merrick landed a job at the Cafe after throwing out some gang members who were giving Whillie a hard time. Merrick is in love with Shayla, but hid his fealings because he was sworn to be her protector and nothing more.

Picture provided by Philip Andrew Online

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