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"Let me show you my anger!!"

This girl is a teenager with an attitude. Definitely not the kind you’d want to cross. Pan is the daughter of Gohan and Videl. She doesn’t have much of a role in DragonBall Z,(other than kicking the crud out of her competitor at the World Martial Arts Tournement) but is one of the main characters in GT. Her adventure began after she took down some bank robbers, but in the process scared her date away.

Next came another bombshell-her Grandpa Goku had been changed into a little kid thanks to the black star dragonballs. Dragonballs that would blow up the Earth if they weren’t gathered within one year.

To save the Earth, Goku, Trunks, and Goten planned to go off into space and search for the dragonballs, but when Goku and Trunks got on board their spaceship, the found that Pan had snuck aboard. Before either of them could make her leave, she hit the ignition and the ship blasted off into space leaving Goten behind.

After Pan helped Trunks and Goku retrieve the Black Star Dragon Balls, the three of them go back to earth only to find that it was taken over by the evil Bebi. Pan helped Goku reach a new level of power, Super Sayin 4, so Bebi could be defeated. But after he ways gone, more trouble brewed. The DragonBalls cracked and changed into seven evil dragons. One by one, Pan and Goku defeat these dragons and restore peace. 100 years later, Pan is watching her grandson, Goku Jr. compete in the World Martial Arts Tournament when she sees Goku’s ghost in the audience. By the time she catches up to him, however, he’s disappeared.

Pan has a lot of spunk and hates the way she’s treated like a baby by her family and friends. She’s independent, tough, and likes to be in charge. (Although, she can be a tad bit bossy.) What stinks is that Pan never became a Super Sayin. I don’t know about you, but I think a female sayin achieving at least SS level 1 would be so awesome.

Pan is voiced by:

Minagushi Yuko in the Japanese episodes

Main picture provided by:The Dragon's DragonBall page

Bottom pictures provided by: PoJo's DragonBall Site Black

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