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Rika Nonaka

Don't mess with this girl. Rika may not look like much, but take any Digimon fan's word for it, she is one tough cookie and one heck of a Digimon card game player. It was after she won the Digimon Card Game Tournament that she was first introduced to her partner, Renamon

At first, Rika was cold and selfish. She had Renemon beat up other Digimon for their data, just to get Renemon to digivolve. But as time wore on, her cold and cruel attitude melted thanks to the other Tamers (even her hated rival, Ryo.) and Renemon. And Rika discovered that it's not data that makes a Digimon digivolve, it's the friendship a Digimon has with her partner.

To defeat the D-Reaper, Rika and Renemon often had to biomerge into the graceful and powerful Sakuyamon. Sadly, once the D-Reaper was gone, Renemon was forced to return to the real world.

Picture provided by: Digidestiny

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