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Trip (Green Time Force Ranger)

"If you have to destroy anythign that's different than you than you'd better destroy me, too!"

Trip is one of the Time Force officers who came to the pressent form the year 3000. His home planet is Xybria and he posesses a mind gem that allows him to read teh thoughts and feelings of others. Trip is kind, helpful, honest, loyal, brave, and trusting. A trait that has gotten him and his friends in a mess with Naderia and Medicon, but allowed him to befirend and save a friendly mutiant, and later to help Naderia realize turn to the path of good.

Trip's nack with machines has made him the Time Force Rangers' mechanic and inventor. It is also, perhaps, for this reason that he is best friends with Circut.

Trip is shy around girls, but not in battle. He can be counted on to stick by his friends and give his all when he defends Silver Hills from Ransik and his goons.

Trip is played by Kevin Klienburg.

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