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"I've never been on a team. Anything I should know?"

Below are pictures of Willis' digimon in their rookie forms: Terriermon and Lopomon.

Willis is the first known American digidesden. Eight years ago, an egg came out of his computer and hatched into a pair of digi-twins: Gunnymon and Cocomon. Willis is super smart, especially with computers and he is very kind and caring to both of his digimon. He's not afraid to admit when he's made a mistake, but doesn't want to involve anyone else in cleaning it up.

Willis' first and, so far, only appearance was in the Digimon movie. He was partly responsible for the creation of Deaboromon, a mega-digimon who was taking over the internet. After Diaboramon's destruction, the computer virus that made him evil infected little Cocomon.

Four years later, Cocomon digivolved into his champion form, Wendigomom and started to spread chaos throughout the United States. Willis and Terriermon, Gunnymonfs rookie form, try to stop him, but are no match. Luckily, the other Digidesden are in America and offer to help Willis out. Willis refuses their help at first, but Davis, Veemon and Terriermon, eventually bring him around. Together, the digidesden and the digimon rid Cocomon of the virus and return him to normal. Now Willis leads a quiet life in the U.S. Except for when Cocomon sings.

Willis' twin digimon's in training forms are Gunnymon and Cocomon. Gunnymon can digivolve to Terriermon (rookie form) and then to Gargomon(champion form.) With the golden digi-egg of destiny, Terriermon can also digivolve into Rapidmon. Cocmon can digivolve to Lopomon, (rookie form) then to Wendigimon,(champion) Anthylamon(ultimate), and Kerpymon, (mega).

Willis and Terriermon have not been on the Digimon series yet. However, starting in April the show's third season will air in Japan. Terriermon is one of the new digidesden's digimon, but his human partner is named Lee, not Willis. Although, rumors have been flying that Saban will call Lee Willis in the American version.

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