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Zhane (Silver Space Ranger)

"Whatever it is you just said, I'm going to make you eat your words."

Let's see. What can I say about Zhane? He's handsome, funny, smart, handsome, kind, caring, handsome, charming, friendly, handsome, unselfish, knows how to use telekinesis, and did I mention handsome? Anyway, it's pretty easy to see why this guy and Andros are at the top of my best male Rangers of all time list.

Zhane was born on the space colony KO-35. Sometime during his life he became the Silver Space Ranger and met Andros. (Or, the other way around?) The two of them became best friends. That friendship was so strong that during the invasion of KO-35, he took a lethal blow for Andros and was critically injured. Andros froze his body in a cryogenic tube hidden in a room adjacent to the Megaship's engine room. There Zhane remained for two years until the day the Megaship landed on the planet Kadix and the planet's inhabitants decided to take the ship apart. The damage to the ship caused the tube to malfunction and Zhane's body to thaw. He awoke in time to help the other Space Rangers teach the vandals a lesson.

Soon after, Zhane discovered that he had a big problem. His powers had been slowly drained during his two-year hypersleep and he could only stay morpher for two and a half minutes at a time. He told Alpha about this, but for some reason, he didn't tell his fellow Rangers.

Zhane was able to fix his morphing problem by climbing to the top of a mountain and letting his morpher get struck by lightning. Sometime later, he was struck with something else: love. He developed a crush on the evil Astronema after saving her from one of her own monsters. Sadly, she broke up with him after he was late for a date with her because he had to help his friends fight off a monster Ecliptor sent to Earth. (I hope they got back together again after the evil Astronema became the good Karone. They make a really cute couple.)

It was not long after this when Zhane and the other Rangers went down to the surface of the planet Centaur B to check out a couple of strange energy readings. They found the survivors of KO-35 hiding in an underground colony. The colonists were being turned into coral by Darkonda's Coralizer monster. Andros, Ashley, Carlos, Cassie, and T.J. destroyed the monster while Zhane, with the help of the colonists' leader, Commander Kinwon, defeated Darkonda.

When it was time to return to the Megaship, Zhane decided to stay behind and help his people defend themselves against Dark Specter, but he did promise to be back to help his friends when they least expected it. True to his word, Zhane did return with a new Zord, the Mega Winger. Using this, he helped the other four Megazords push Dark Specter's giant asteroid away from Earth.

From then on, Zhane divided his time between helping the people of KO-35 and helping the other Space Rangers and was a big help to both. Then, the day came when the people of KO-35 were once again attacked by Dark Specter's troops. There were too many for Zhane and the colonists to handle, so Zhane went off to get help from the Space Rangers. He was nearly blown into space dust when his path crossed that of some Velocofighters. Luckily, the Space Rangers came by just in time to blast them before they blasted Zhane.

Later, Zhane rendezvoued with his friends on board the Megaship, but quickly learned that they couldn't leave Earth to go help the colonists. Earth was being invaded by Astronema's forces and had to be defended. Zhane tried to help with the Mega Winger, but was overwhelmed by the swarms of Velocofighters that had been dispatched to Earth. The Mega Winger was destroyed, but Zhane survived the explosion. The next day, Zhane, Cassie, Ashley, T.J., and Carlos battled Astronema's forces, while Andros snuck aboard Astronema's Dark Fortress to convince her to break off her attack. The Rangers, with the help of some brave Angel Grove citizens kept the forces of evil from taking over the Earth until Zordon's energy wave spread over the planet and turned all of Astronema's forces into sand.

With Dark Specter and his evil forces gone, the people of KO-35 were free to return to their home and start over peacefully. Andros, Zhane, and Karone wanted to join them at first, but then they realized that their home was with their friends, T.J., Ashley, Cassie, Carlos, and Alpha. So, they left KO-35 and returned to Earth with their friends.

Sadly, this was the last PR fans ever saw of Zhane. For some unknown reason he did not accompany Andros, T.J., Carlos, Cassie, and Ashley when they went to Terra Venture to help the Galaxy Rangers battle the Psycho Rangers. We can only hope that somehow, someway, Zhane will make a guest appearance on Power Rangers sometime in the future.

Must see Zhane episodes: "Survival of the Silver," "Red With Envy," "The Silver Secret," "A Date With Danger," "Zhane's Destiny," "Dark Specter's Revenge pt. 2" "Rangers Gone Psycho," "Five of A Kind," "The Enemy Within," "The Invincible Web," "Countdown to Destruction pt. 1 & 2"

Zhane is played by Justin Nimmo

The top picture is from Nak's Power Rangers. The bottom four were from Starpoints' Power Rangers page, which is , sadly, no longer on the web.

Pictures courtosy of:

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