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West Germanic, Central Europe
Tribal Occupation
	Celts (1000-400)
	Illyrians (400-15)

Foreign Rule
	Rome (15 BC-AD 395)
	Western Rome (395-445)

Tribal Occupation
	Huns (445-451)
	Ostrogoths (451-488)
	Lombards (488-568)
	Bavarians (568-788)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (788-907)

Tribal Occupation
	Magyars (907-955)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (955-960)

Margraveship of the East, under Germany
	Regensberg House
		-Burchard (960-975)
	Babenberg House
		-Leopold I (976-994)
		-Henry I (994-1018)
		-Adalbert (1018-1055) 
		-Ernest the Brave (1055-1075) 
		-Leopold II (1075-1102) 
		-Leopold III the Saint (1102-1136) 
		-Leopold IV (1136-1141) 
		-Henry II Jasomirgott (1141-1155) 

Duchy of Austria, under Germany
	Babenberg House
		-Henry II Jasomirgott (1155-1177) 
		-Leopold V (1177-1194) 
		-Frederick I (1194-1199) 
		-Leopold VI the Glorious (1199-1230) 
		-Frederick II the Warlike (1230-1246) 
		-Frederick III (1246-1248) 
	Zahringen House
		-Herman (1248-1250) 
	Premyslid House
		-Ottokar (1250-1278) 
	Hapsburg House
		-Rudolf I, Germany (1278-1282) 
		-Albert I, Germany (1282-1308) 
		-Rudolf II (1282-1290) 
		-Rudolf III (1298-1307)
		-Frederick IV (1308-1330)
		-Leopold VII (1308-1326)
		-Albert II the Wise (1330-1358) 
		-Rudolf IV (1358-1359)
		-Rudolf IV (1359-1365)
		-Albert III (1365-1395) 
		-Albert IV (1395-1404) 
		-Albert V, Germany (1404-1439)

Archduchy of Austria, under Germany
	Hapsburg House
		-Ladislas Posthumus (1440-1457) 
		-Frederick V, Germany (1458-1493) 
		-Maximilian I, Germany (1493-1519) 
		-Charles I, Germany (1519-1520) 
		-Ferdinand I, Germany (1520-1564) 
		-Maximilian II, Germany (1564-1576) 
		-Rudolf V, Germany (1576-1608) 
		-Matthias, Germany (1608-1619) 
		-Ferdinand II, Germany (1619-1637) 
		-Ferdinand III, Germany (1637-1657) 
		-Leopold VIII , Germany(1657-1705) 
		-Joseph I, Germany (1705-1711) 
		-Charles II, Germany (1711-1740) 
		-Maria Theresa, Germany (1740-1780) 
	Lorraine-Hapsburg House
		-Joseph II, Germany (1780-1790)
		-Leopold II, Germany (1790-1792)

Empire of Austria
	Lorraine-Hapsburg House
		-Francis I, Germany (1792-1835) 
		-Ferdinand IV (1835-1848) 
		-Francis Joseph (1848-1916) 
		-Charles III (1916-1918) 

Republic of Austria
		-Karl Seitz (1919-1920) 
		-Michael Hainisch (1920-1928) 
		-Wilhelm Miklas (1928-1938) 

Foreign Rule
	Germany (1938-1945)

Republic of Austria
		-Karl Renner (1945-1950) 
		-Theodor Korner (1951-1957) 
		-Adolf Scharf (1957-1965) 
		-Franz Jonas (1965-1974) 
		-Rudolf Kirchschlager (1974-1986) 
		-Kurt Waldheim (1986-1992) 
		-Thomas Klestil (1992-        )