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West Germanic, South Benelex
Tribal Occupation
	Gauls (1000-55)

Foreign Rule
	Rome (55 BC-AD 395)
	Western Rome (395-448)

Tribal Occupation
	Franks (448-800)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (800-1384)
	Burgundy (1384-1477)
	Germany (1477-1549)
	Spain (1549-1713)
	Austria (1713-1797)
	France (1797-1815)
	Netherlands (1815-1830)

Kingdom of Belgium
	Wettin House
		-Leopold I (1831-1865)
		-Leopold II (1865-1909)
		-Albert I (1909-1914)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (1914-1918)

Kingdom of Belgium
	Wettin House
		-Albert I (Restored: 1918-1934)
		-Leopold III (1934-1940)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (1940-1944)
	Flanders (1944-1950)

Kingdom of Belgium
	Wettin House
		-Leopold III (Restored: 1950-1951)
		-Baldwin (1951-1993)
		-Albert II (1993-        )