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Galli-Celtic & Germanic, West Central Europe
Tribal Occupation
	Gauls (800-58)

Foreign Rule
	Rome (58 BC-AD 395)
	Western Rome (395-448)

Tribal Occupation
	Franks (448-800)

Kingdom of France
	Carolingian House
		-Charles I the Great - Charlemagne, Germany (800-814)
		-Louis I the Pious, Germany (814-840)
		-Charles II the Bald (840-877)
		-Louis II (877-879)
		-Louis III (879-884)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (884-887)

Kingdom of France
	Capet House
		-Odo (888-898)
	Carolingian House
		-Charles III the Simple (898-922)
	Capet House
		-Robert I (922-926)
	Carolingian House
		-Rudolf, Burgundy (926-936)
		-Louis IV (936-954)
		-Lothar (954-986)
		-Louis V Do-nothing (986-987)
	Capet House
		-Hugh (987-996)
		-Robert II the Pious (996-1031)
		-Henry I (1031-1060)
		-Philip I (1060-1108)
		-Louis VI the Fat (1108-1137)
		-Louis VII the Younger (1137-1180)
		-Philip II Augustus (1180-1223)
		-Louis VIII (1223-1226)
		-Louis IX the Saint (1226-1270)
		-Philip III the Bold (1270-1285)
		-Philip IV the Fair (1285-1314)
		-Louis X the Stubborn (1314-1316)
		-John I Posthumous (1316-1317)
		-Philip V (1317-1322)
		-Charles IV the Fair (1322-1328)
	Valois House
		-Philip VI (1328-1350)
		-John II the Good (1350-1364)
		-Charles V the Wise (1364-1380)
		-Charles VI the Well-beloved (1380-1422)
		-Charles VII the Victorious (1422-1461)
		-Louis XI (1461-1483)
		-Charles VIII (1483-1498)
		-Louis XII (1498-1515)
		-Francis I (1515-1547)
		-Henry II (1547-1559)
		-Francis II (1559-1560)
		-Charles IX (1560-1574)
		-Henry III (1574-1589)
	Bourbon House
		-Henry IV (1589-1610)
		-Louis XIII (1610-1643)
		-Louis XIV (1643-1715)
		-Louis XV (1715-1774)
		-Louis XVI (1774-1792)

Republic of France
		-Georges Jacques Danton (1793)
		-Maximilien Robespierre (1793-1794)
		-Lazare Nicolas Marguerite Carnot (1795-1797)
		-Etienne Le Tourneur (1795-1797)
		-Paul Francois Jean Nicolas de Barras (1795-1799)
		-Jean-Francois Reubell (1795-1799)
		-Louis Marie La Revelliere-Lepeaux (1795-1799)
		-Francois Marquis de Barthelemy (1797)
		-Francois de Neufchateau (1797-1798)
		-Philippe Antoine Merlin de Douai (1797-1799)
		-Jean Baptiste Comte de Treilhard (1798-1799)
		-Emmanuel Joseph Comte de Sieyes (1799)
		-Roger Comte de Ducos (1799)
		-Jean Francois Auguste Moulins (1799)
		-Louis Gohier (1799)
		-Napoleon Bonaparte (1799-1804)

Empire of France
	Bonaparte House
		-Napoleon I (1804-1814)

Kingdom of France
	Bourbon House
		-Louis XVIII (1814-1815)

Empire of France
	Bonaparte House
		-Napoleon I (Restored: 1815)

Kingdom of France
	Bourbon House
		-Louis XVIII (Restored: 1815-1824)
		-Charles X (1824-1830)
		-Louis Philippe (1830-1848)

Republic of France
		-Louis Eugene Cavaignac (1848)
		-Louis Napoleon Bonaparte (1848-1851)

Empire of France
	Bonaparte House
		-Napoleon III (1851-1870)

Republic of France
		-Adolphe Thiers (1871-1873)
		-Marie de MacMahon (1873-1879)
		-Jules Grevy (1879-1887)
		-Sadi Carnot (1887-1894)
		-Jean Casimir-Perier (1895-1899)
		-Emile Loubet (1899-1906)
		-Armand Fallieres (1906-1913)
		-Raymond Poincare (1913-1920)
		-Paul Deschanel (1920)
		-Alexandre Millerand (1920-1924)
		-Gaston Doumergue (1924-1931)
		-Paul Doumer (1931-1932)
		-Albert Lebrun (1932-1940)
	Chief of State, under Germany
		-Henri Phillipe Petain (1940-1945)
		-Charles De Gaulle (1945-1946)
		-Vincent Auriol (1947-1954)
		-Rene Coty (1954-1959)
		-Charles De Gaulle (Reelected: 1959-1969)
		-Georges Pompidou (1969-1974)
		-Valery Giscard d'Estaing (1974-1981)
		-Francois Mitterrand (1981-1995)
		-Jacques Chirac (1995-        )