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Italic, North Italian Peninsula
Tribal Occupation
	Celts (1000-222)

Foreign Rule
	Rome (222 BC-AD 395)
	Western Rome (395-476)

Tribal Occupation
	Heruli (476-493)
	Ostrogoths (493-553)

Foreign Rule
	Byzantium (553-568)

Tribal Occupation
	Lombards (568-774)
	Franks (774-800)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (800-843)
	Lombardy (843-1018)

Republic of Milan
		-Archbishop Ariberto Da Antimiano (1018-1045)

Foreign Rule
	Germany (1162-1311)

Duchy of Milan
	Visconti House
		-Matteo I (1311-1322)
		-Galeazzo I (1322-1328)
		-Azzo (1328-1339)
		-Lucian (1339-1349)
		-Bernabo (1349-1385)
		-Galeazzo II  (1349-1378)
		-Matteo II (1349-1355)
		-Gian Galeazzo I (1378-1402)
		-Gian Maria (1402-1412)
		-Philip Maria (1412-1447)
	Sforza House
		-Francesco I (1447-1466)
		-Gian Galeazzo II (1476-1494)
		-Louis the Moor (1494-1500)

Foreign Rule
	France (1500-1513)

Duchy of Milan
	Sforza House
		-Maximilian (1513-1530)
		-Francesco II (1530-1535)

Foreign Rule
	Spain (1535-1713)
	Austria (1713-1796)
	France (1796-1815)
	Austria (1815-1859)

-Milan joins Sardinia