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Dacian-Hellenic, Northeast Balkins
Tribal Occupation
	Dacians (700 BC-AD 105)

Foreign Rule
	Rome (105-270)

Tribal Occupation
	Visigoths (270-280)
	Gepids (280-375)
	Huns (375-451)
	Ostrogoths (451-500)
	Lombards (500-550)
	Avars (550-600)

Foreign Rule
	Bulgaria (600-900)
	Hungary (900-1000)

Tribal Occupation
	Pechenegs (1000-1171)
	Cumans (1171-1241)
	Mongols (1241-1247)

Principality of Moldavia, under Mongols (1247-1290) and Turkey (1393-1610)
	Litovoi House
		-Barsat (1286-1290)
		-Tihomir (1290-1310)
		-Basarab (1310-1352)
		-Dragos (1352-1353)
		-Sas (1353-1358)
		-Balc (1359)
		-Bogdan I (1359-1365)
		-Latcu (1365-1373)
		-Costea (1373-1375)
		-Peter I (1375-1391)
		-Roman I (1391-1394)
		-Stephen I (1394-1399)
		-Iuga Ologul (1399-1400)
		-Alexander the Good (1400-1432)
		-Ilias (1432-1433)
		-Stephen II (1433-1435)
		-Ilias (Restored: 1435-1442)
		-Stephen I (Restored: 1435-1447)
		-Peter II (1444-1447)
		-Roman II (1447-1448)
		-Peter II (Restored: 1448-1449)
		-Alexander (1449)
		-Bogdan II (1449-1451)
		-Petru Aron (1451-1452)
		-Alexander (Restored: 1452-1454)
		-Petru Aron (Restored: 1454-1455)
		-Alexander (1455)
		-Peter Aron (Restored: 1455-1457)
		-Stephen II the Great (1457-1504)
		-Bogdan III One-Eye (1504-1517)
		-Stephanito (1517-1527)
		-Peter Rares (1527-1538)
		-Stephen Lacusta (1538-1540)
		-Alexander Cornea (1540-1541)
		-Peter Rares (Restored: 1541-1546)
		-Ilias (1546-1551)
		-Stephen (1551-1552)
		-John Joldea (1552)
		-Alexander Lapusneanu (1552-1561)
		-Voda (1561-1563)
		-Stephen Tomsa (1563-1564)
		-Alexander Lapusneanu (Restored: 1564-1568)
		-Bogdan (1568-1572)
		-John Voda (1572-1574)
		-Peter Schiopul (1574-1577)
		-John Potcova (1577)
		-Peter Schiopul (1578-1579)
		-Iancu Sasul (1579-1582)
		-Peter Schiopul (Restored: 1582-1591)
		-Stephen Schiopul (1589-1591)
		-Aaron Tiranul (1591-1592)
		-Alexander, Wallachia (1592)
		-Peter Cazacul (1592)
		-Aaron Tiranul (Restored: 1592-1595)
		-Stephen Razvan (1595)
		-Jeremiah Movila (1595-1600)
		-Michael the Brave, Wallachia and Transylvania (1600)
		-Jeremiah Movila (1600-1606)
		-Simeon Movila (1606-1607)
		-Michael Movila (1607)
		-Constantine Movila (1607)
		-Michael Movila (Restored: 1607)
		-Constantine Movila (Restored: 1607-1611)
		-Stephen II Tomsa (1611-1615)
		-Alexander Movila (1615-1616)
		-Radu Mihnea (1616-1619)
		-Gaspar Gratiani (1619-1620)
		-Alexander Ilias (1620-1621)
		-Stephen II Tomsa (1621-1623)
		-Radu Mihnea (Restored: 1623-1626)
		-Myron Barnovschi-Movila (1626-1629)
		-Alexander Coconul (1629-1630)
		-Moses Movila (1630-1631)
		-Alexander Ilias (1631-1633)
		-Myron Barnovschi-Movila (Restored: 1633)
		-Moses Movila (Restored: 1633-1634)
		-Basil Lupu (1634-1653)
		-George Stephen (1653)
		-Basil Lupu (Restored: 1653)
		-George Stephen (Restored: 1653-1658)
		-George Ghica (1658-1659)
		-Constantine Serban, Wallachia (1659)
		-Stephanito Lupu (1659-1661)
		-Constantine Serban (Restored: 1661)
		-Stephanito Lupu (Restored: 1661)
		-Eustratius Dabija (1661-1665)
		-George Duca (1665-1666)
		-Ilias Alexander (1666-1668)
		-George Duca (Restored: 1668-1672)
		-Stephen Petriceicu (1672-1673)
		-Dumitrascu Cantacuzino (1673)
		-Stephen Petriceicu (Restored: 1673-1674)
		-Dumitrascu Cantacuzino (Restored: 1674-1675)
		-Anthony Rosetti (1675-1678)
		-George Duca (Restored: 1678-1683)
		-Stephen Petriceicu (Restored: 1683-1684)
		-Dumitrascu Cantacuzino (Restored: 1684-1685)
		-Constantine Cantemir (1685-1693)
		-Demetrius Cantemir (1693)
		-Constantine Duca (1693-1695)
		-Anthony Cantemir (1695-1700)
		-Constantine Duca (Restored: 1700-1703)
		-Michael Racovita (1703-1705)
		-Anthony Cantemir (1705-1707)
		-Michael Racovita (Restored: 1707-1709)
		-Nicholas Mavrocordat (1709-1710)
		-Demetrius Cantemir (Restored: 1710-1711)
		-Nicholas Mavrocordat (Restored: 1711-1715)
		-Michael Racovita (Restored: 1715-1726)
		-Gregory II Ghica (1726-1733)
		-Constantine Mavrocordat, Wallachia (1733-1735)
		-Gregory II Ghica (Restored: 1735-1741)
		-Constantine Mavrocordat (Restored: 1741-1743)
		-John Mavrocordat (1743-1747)
		-Gregory II Ghica (Restored: 1747-1748)
		-Constantine Mavrocordat (Restored: 1748-1749)
		-Constantine Racovita (1749-1753)
		-Matthew Ghica (1753-1756)
		-Constantine Racovita (Restored: 1756-1757)
		-Scarlat Ghica (1757-1758)
		-John Theodore Callimachi (1758-1761)
		-Gregory Callimachi (1761-1764)
		-Gregory III Ghica (1764-1767)
		-Gregory Callimachi (Restored: 1767-1769)
		-Constantine Mavrocordat (Restored: 1769)
		-Gregory III Ghica (Restored: 1774-1777)
		-Constantine Moruzi (1777-1782)
		-Alexander Mavrocordat the Mad Prince (1782-1785)
		-Alexander Mavrocordat the Fugitive (1785-1786)
		-Alexander Ipsilanti, Wallachia (1786-1788)
		-Emanuel Giani Ruset (1788-1789)
		-Alexander Morozi (1792)
		-Michael Sutu (1792-1795)
		-Alexander Callimachi (1795-1795)
		-Constantine Ipsilanti (1799-1801)
		-Alexander Sutu (1801-1802)
		-Alexander Moruzi (Restored: 1802-1806)
		-Scarlat Callimachi (1806)
		-Alexander Moruzi (Restored: 1806-1807)
		-Alexander Hangerli (1807)
		-Scarlat Callimachi (1807-1819)
		-Michael Sutu (Restored: 1819-1821)
		-Ionita Sandu Sturza (1822-1828)
		-Michael Sturza (1834-1849)
		-Gregory Alexander Ghica (1849-1856)

Foreign Rule
	Turkey (1856-1859)

-Walachia and Moldavia merge to form Romania