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Hellenic, East Balkins
Kingdom of Thrace
	Odryssaes House
		-Tires (480-460)
		-Sitalkes (460-424)
		-Sadokos (425-424)
		-Seuthes I (424-415)
		-Amadokos (415-391)
		-Seuthes II (405-384)
		-Maesades (389-384)
		-Eurizelmes (389-384)
		-Kotys I (384-359)
		-Kersouleptes I (359-341)
		-Thirisades (359-356)
		-Amadokos II (359-351)
		-Seuthes II (341-306)
		-Lysimachos (323-281)
		-Ptolemaeos (281-273)
		-Arsinoe (281-273)

Tribal Occupation
	Galatians (273-213)

Foreign Rule
	Macedonia (208-183)
	Pergamon (183-180)

Kingdom of Thrace
	Odryssaes House
		-Kotys II (180-168)

Foreign Rule
	Rome (168-57)

Kingdom of Thrace
	Odryssaes House
		-Kotys III (57-48)
	Sapes House
		-Raskouporis I (48-42)
		-Roimitalkes I
		-Raskouporis II
		-Kotys IV
		-Kotys V
		-Roimitalkes II
		-Roimitalkes III (38-29)