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Xaztur and Immanis both apeared in several Fanzines during their recording times. Because of the nature of the underground scene, many of these apearences never made it back to me. I recall giving many more interviews and free tapes than I recieved Fanzines for. Below are the few Fanzines that I collected with the Xaztur or Immanis interviews and adverts in.

The best of the Fanzines was 'Lammashta' Zine. An interview, review and adverts appeared in this magazine and all are shown below:

The Fanzine 'High Speed Death' also ran an Xaztur Advert:

As did 'Requiesce In Peace'

A few polish Magazines showed interest in Xaztur and I only have one of the Polish Interviews here:

This is from 'Thy Kingdom Come' Zine. The interview was run in Polish, and I don't remember the answers I gave!

Xaztur were also reviewed by 'Verbal Aggression'

After Quitting Xaztur, Immanis began to appear in Fanzines around the world. The one below is from the Polish Magazine 'Eternal Hate'.

The Following interview was conducted with the fanzine 'We're All HIV Positive', one of the shittest fanzines in the underground. Edited by a complete cunt who thought it decent to attack Immanis within the pages of his rag. The Editor wasn't 'Dean' mentioned within the interview, Dean only asked the questions and was a decent Man.
