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Kakarot2788: omg

VampireJoker: where?

VampireJoker: i dont see

Kakarot2788: behind u

Kakarot2788: !

VampireJoker: what?

Kakarot2788: a wall! AAAAHHHHHH

VampireJoker: holy crap its riight behind me!!

VampireJoker: aaa


VampireJoker: why does she always get off aol?

VampireJoker: damn

Kakarot2788: who?

VampireJoker: shes on for like two secs an then its like

Kakarot2788: who?

VampireJoker: give u a clue

Kakarot2788: its probably michelle

VampireJoker: shes got a phat a$$!!, i mean its like

VampireJoker: BANG!!

VampireJoker: lol

Kakarot2788: was I rite?

VampireJoker: michelle, she slike never on

Kakarot2788: so?

VampireJoker: whats up with that?

Kakarot2788: yo face

VampireJoker: so are u buyin a ticket t/m?

VampireJoker: ?

Kakarot2788: I guess

VampireJoker: say what?

Kakarot2788: u?

VampireJoker: face what?

Kakarot2788: VampireJoker: whats up with that? Kakarot2788: yo face

VampireJoker: yo face what?

Kakarot2788: neva mind

VampireJoker: what the hell is that soppos-, g- can we just speak english here for a moment

Kakarot2788: ovital, mr. marin, the cardboard chichi, or......your sister

VampireJoker: who would u pick?

VampireJoker: card board

VampireJoker: chichi

Kakarot2788: lol

Kakarot2788: chi chi totally

VampireJoker: emily, laurie, michelle, jen M.(i think), or samantha

Kakarot2788: cmon, isnt it obvious?

VampireJoker: who?

VampireJoker: ?

VampireJoker: ?

Kakarot2788: think

VampireJoker: ::cough:: ::Cough::

VampireJoker: ::cough:: cough::

VampireJoker: w/e

VampireJoker: ?

Kakarot2788: duih

VampireJoker: her?

Kakarot2788: duh*

VampireJoker: for real?

Kakarot2788: duh*

VampireJoker: cool

Kakarot2788: alexandra, samantha, michelle, or emily

VampireJoker: lets just copy and paste that

VampireJoker: lol

VampireJoker: j/k

Kakarot2788: lol, dont make me kik yo a$$

Kakarot2788: which 1?

VampireJoker: lol

VampireJoker: #1

VampireJoker: ::cough:: ::cough::

Kakarot2788: what!?

Kakarot2788: over emily?

VampireJoker: emily is hot but michelle is like

VampireJoker: i don know

VampireJoker: u'd pick emily right?

VampireJoker: shes on!

VampireJoker: wait calm john, act cool

VampireJoker: lol

Kakarot2788: BANG!@

VampireJoker: hell yea

VampireJoker: lol

Kakarot2788: alexandra or emily

VampireJoker: i'll wait till the little star gets off her sc name

Kakarot2788: shes gonna sign off....

VampireJoker: *bleep* thats a tuffy, cause i don really have a crush on emily

VampireJoker: i know

Kakarot2788: anwer the ?

VampireJoker: damn bro, gimmy a sec

VampireJoker: *bleep* shes off

VampireJoker: o well

VampireJoker: ok

VampireJoker: um

VampireJoker: well, whats the ?

VampireJoker: would i rather

VampireJoker: ____

VampireJoker: with emily or alexandra

VampireJoker: fill it in

Kakarot2788: yea

Kakarot2788: rite....

Kakarot2788: Im gonna post this convo on the site

VampireJoker: rite what?

Kakarot2788: brb

VampireJoker: ok

VampireJoker: but wait!!

VampireJoker: whats the ?

[Kak Note: ::cough:: ::cough:: I know what you are thinking.......::cough::]