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I am thankful for all the friends I have made on here I feel like we are a big family I just wish we wouldn't get torn apart over the little arguments that happen in here we should learn to not take every word on here to heart and don't hold an grudges against anybody because you never know if you will ever got to say I'm sorry for those things you say :) I love you all may God Bless

I'm thankful for living in this country of ours. for my parents not spoiling me(but more things would have been nicer).for the wonderful lady that has brightened my life and my heart.for my harley and all the bikers i've met.for all the kind wonderful ppl i know online.

After the September11th bombing of the WTC and the Pentagon and the lives on the 4 airplanes, I think being thankful is more than just one thing....I am so thankful all my loved ones are here where I can hug and kiss them and just hold them close when I want...I am thankful I live in America....Where we have freedom of choice..the right to chose our own religion, our education, our lifestyles...I am thankful I live in a country that lets us be decision makers in our country along with elected officials....I am so thankful I can get up every morning and see my beloved father, and my mom...I thank God everyday for bringing into my life people who love me for who I am...for being there when I need a smiling face, or just a hand to hold when I'm sad....I'm thankful I have a warm place to go when the world is cold and lonely...I am thankful for Susan, for Jen and Anita, for Tamm and Tori and Beth and so many many more...I know this is over 50 , but its hard to limit what I am thankful for...I am fortunate in my life to have so many who care....Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless All of you.....I love you all...(lol sorry, not to be one sided ...I am also thankful for Chris and Coby and Jeff and Rob and so many more guys).

i am thankful being alive,and being able to be here with my kids and husband i love them all very much.i'm just glad to be alive ,and to still have my dad here with me.i'm also glad to have what friends i do have.thank you MARY

I'm thankful for my family - those who have passed away, those who are still with me, and those who are yet to come. I'm also thankful for my friends, including the ones I have never met. I'm thankful I live in a country where I can say whatever I want. God bless those who defend that freedom.

I am thankful for
My mom, who is worrying
My dad, who is grounded
My friends, who are true
My love, that is consistent.

My mind, that keeps me creative
My hands, that keep me busy
My talents, that keep me necessary
My love, that keeps sane.

My health, that makes me able
My home, that makes me safe
My heart, that makes me human
My love, that makes me whole.

My will, that keeps me constant
My energy, that keeps me going
My strength, that keeps me willing
My love, that keeps me thankful.


Well that is easy I am very Thankful that i am alive .....God has been good to me and i hope to be around for many years to come....And i am also thankful for friends like u Beth......

Thankful for my wife, my kids, my job, my health, Thankful my bills are paid, I have food in the frig, and gas in my truck. Thankful i don't believe most of the people in chat, and thankful i have NEVER attended a chat party, lmao@ that scenereo.

I am thankful for life,
and each breath I take.
I am thankful for my family,
and each friend I make.
I am thankful for the good,
and some things that ain't.
I'm thankful for God, although I'm no saint.
He sent his son Jesus so we could be saved.
One more and I'm done.
I'm thankful for ya'll,
yep each and everyone!



What im am thankful for. Omg a lot! Im thankful to be alive, cuz no matter how bad things are, or i perceive them to be, i always have the hope, that they will get better, some day! Im thankful that i have family and friends, that love me, cuz the world would be a lonely place, without them! Im thankful for my hubby, and that i have someone to share my life with, things aren't always the best between us but, i still do love him! Im thankful that my mom is in remission from cancer, and i am glad that i still do have her in my life, cuz i sure do love her! I used to pray that God would not take my mom away from me, after my dad died when i was 5, and im glad that he's has let her stay awhile longer! Im thankful that i have food to eat, and a place to stay, that is safe and warm and cosy! Im thankful that i live in a place where i can do what i want, and say what i think, and how i feel about things, that i can practice the religion of my choice, without being killed for it! Im thankful that there are people out there, that really do care about others, and not just themselves! Im thankful that i am healthy! Im thankful that i can see, hear, speak, taste, touch, and love, and think, and feel things inside of me (emotions) get your minds out of the gutter lol, and read! Im thankful for the experiences that i have had in my live, good and bad, cuz i have learned from them, and i think that they have made me a better person, to have more compassion for others, and to be more sensitive toward them! And im thankful that i live in a day and age, that i can turn on my webtv, and talk to others online, from all around the world, and be amazed at the all the people,and world around me, lol! Im thankful for all the people that i have met in my life! And last but not least, im thankful for my online friends, love ya, Sharon, ps. Gosh you know when i start to think about all of this, i realize that i really do have a lot to be thankful for! I guess you can say that im thankful, for just about everything!

I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, friends that care about me, and food to keep me nourished. Im also thankul for, beautiful women, Playboy magazine, dirty movies, loud music, TVLand, Nick at Nite and the fact there is no DH in the National League.

You made this a hard one, only one answer?? Okay, it would be my life. I have a wonderful son, boyfriend, step-daughter, friends, and family. My health is great. My life couldn't be much better than it is now, for that I am thankful. I have a terrific life.


I know, Kinda crazy to be Thankful for a Chat Room. But without Flirt, how would I have met any of You? I know the room can be too much sometimes, but the Best Friendships have come there for me. I can look back and remember some really great times in Flirt, and Flirt Extreme. I haven't chatted in there, in so long, I don't know who's who anymore. But, you All will be the ones I'm Thankful for this year. I Love You All...Jen! Have a Happy Thanksgivng, and eat More Vegetables, Less