The Age of Purity

The Age of Purity is the prime of our lives. We call it "middle age" which in actuality would be 35 years since birth. I have pondered life thoroughly and have came to many startling conclusions. I recognize that there is no quality of life or point on living beyond the solid age of 35 years.

Most of us spend 12-24 years in schooling which is a good majority of our life. The rest of these days are spent working and for what? I look back at my mother and father, then my grandfather and grandmother and I realize that their life, past 35, was a waste. They are angry and bitter (it will happen to you soon!) and declining mentally and physically and are medicated heavily in order to keep living which is mindboggling. These years are spent wasting away at a desk or factory, raising children who are doomed to the same fate as yourself, and dying in your own filth with no salvation but a false hope of security in some fairy-tale afterlife. There is no hope in the future. As the world revolves, our flesh wrinkles, our cells age, and we find ourselves in a pit of despair, an endless cycle that plagues all of humanity. Our existence is futile as we concentrate our time in one field and die with nothing but a sense of hopelessness and vain. So you say you want to live until your 90? There is no benefit nor any reason why anyone should live that long. What comes from this destructive life expectancy anyhow: You are taking up valuable space for younger life to evolve from, and you consume more than enough of the energy and resources provided, and cost a large amount of money to maintain your "health" and "well-being". It is shameful and selfish waiting for your entrance into a place that doesn't even exist, living your life just to die so that you can reach this place of eternal greatness that only exists in your mind! Why not, with the time you have, make this place of eternal greatness in the sky (or down below) and make it here right on earth!

In conclusion, the Age of Purity exists within those fortunate enough to survive the Age of Innocence(0-3) where you have no choice but to be brought into life, and the Age of Education(4-24 yrs old) where you are "taught" that life is good and you are either a carpenter, doctor, or domestic engineer (for more on schooling go to Truth Behind School Uniforms). The Age of Labor(16-65 yrs old) consumes the greater part of your "life" and proves to be of no gains for what it has given you is in reality worthless and meaningless. As you slowly degrade in the Age of Deterioration(36+) you will realize that "life" is nothing more than a punishment for exceeding the Age of Purity. You will notice all of your bodily functions failing, your health declining, and your marriage and social life fading as quickly as it accelerated and there is no going up. I am not pessimistic and I hope I am able to be one with the earth and not have to experience the Age of Deterioration and wish this on no one. There is no way around this and there is no way out. This is no way associated with any biblical jargon for I do not see religion as a key or solution to life, yet it is only a waste of time and hope. Spread the word and save your neighbors, not through prayer, church, or religion, but through action and lending a hand.

We must also disband all medical technology which prolongs our Age of Deterioration and disrupts our age of purity. And with my sound arguments, any logical thinker can rationalize that what is ahead in life is nothing to look forward to. We are all martyrs of "life" yet we shall not go to extremes (such as medicine) to prolong our demise because nature herself keeps the ecological balance and we must not fight her anymore and let things live and die naturally. As we enter the Age of Purity and exit the Age of False Hope (25-34) let us disband all medical vices, and also that we not not let our selfishness destroy what exists now, and also that we need to leave room for the other unfortunate victims who have no choice but to be brought into this chaos of lies and impurities.


Joseph Plumbrook

