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Confirmation 2000

and beyond...

Hey, Confirmation Class, "What's Up?"

Just in case you're just tuning in, you didn't need to worry. If you were one of the people that tried the "/games/maskedmegaman/Confirmation2000.html", then you'd probably be disappointed right about now. Well, let me tell you, these Angelfire jerks are really bothering me. They deleted my entire site for no good reason. I'd be insulting them all day, but since I'm talking to you guys...

Anyway, here we have the photo album up and running (again) and this time if the Angelfire people are reading this, I'd like to tell them "I'm not going to waste my time on you guys! I've worked on my site for over a year now, and you just had to delete mine at random! Well, I oughta..." and that's all I'm going to say.

Back to reality..If you don't have any pictures, or whatever, you can print out these pictures if you want. I'll be seeing you later.

...Okay it's later. I just found out that my webpage hasn't been deleted, but temporarily got off-line. So, my webpage will be on-line soon. So, once it's done, use the "/games/" address again. Oh by the way, in case I don't see ya, "I love you" and "Happy Birthday!" Bye!

Hello everybody!

Meet our camera girl, Lindsey.


Well, there's something to laugh about!

All you can eat? Out of my way!

Don't bother us, we're eating.

Get off each other already!

So, then what happened?

Something happened and I missed it?

Remember the skits?

How's my acting skills?

It may be raining, but at least we're together.

Friends forever, until the end of time.

Okay,, who forgot to bring the chip dip?

This facial makes me look good! (At least that's what I'm told.)

Whose mask am I painting?

We all need some time by ourselves at least sometimes.

You mean we were supposed to have a camera?

Hey guys! "CAN YOU SAAAAAY...


It's been about a year and we're all okay.

Just remember who your friends are...

...and always stay in touch

Send me anything you want on this website (if you didn't post it on your own.), but for now...

...(if it doesn't get erased this time) check out the rest of my website!