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Hey, here's something to check out...

Catholic Apologetics (LOTS OF QUESTIONS & ANSWERS):

A Protestants’ Guide to the Catholic Church
Biblical Evidence for Catholicism
Catholic Answers
Catholic Apologetics on the Internet
Defenders of the Rock
Envoy Magazine
Missionaries of Faith
New Advent Apologetics
Peter’s Net
Rock of Inspiration
Alpha Pregnancy Resource Center

Catholic/Christian Movie Reviews:

Crosswalk Movie Reviews
U.S. Bishops’ Movie Reviews

Catholic Clip Art

Catholic Publishing
Hermanoleon Clip Art

Christian Bookstores

Christian Book Distributors

Catholic Universities

Catholic Distance University
Christendom College

Catholic Reference Library

Bible Gateway
Catechism of the Catholic Church
Catholic Encyclopedia
Documents of the Catholic Church:
The Unbound Bible

Catholic Resource Sites
Catholic City
Catholic Information Center on Internet
Catholic Information Network
Catholic Mining Company
Catholic Online (you can get free email)
Catholic Resources
Catholics United for the Faith
Deacons Net
Diocese of Sacramento
Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN)
EWTN Catholic News


The Hunger Site

Catholic Youth Stuff

Air 1 Radio
AlaPadre Catholic Corner Youth Links
Catholic Information Network—Youth
Catholic Youth Care
Catholic Youth Center
Catholic Youth Foundation
Catholic Youth Groups Listing
Catholic Youth Networking
Catholic Youth Zone
Christian Artists List
Cross Fire Youth Magazine
Dead Theologians Society
Diocese of Sacramento Catholic Youth Ministry
Life on the Rock
One Rock Magazine
U.S. Bishops Youth Page
You! Magazine
Youth Dream Online
American Catholic Youth Organization

Catholic Youth Ministry Resources

Group Publishing
Youth Ministry (Matt Pinto)
Youth Pastors
Catholic Youth Foundation

Pro-Life Organizations

American Life League
Catholics United for Life
Human Life International
National Right to Life Organization
Priests for Life
Rock for Life
Youth for Life International

Coming up in LIGHT...
Photos anyone?
Pray with all your heart