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undefined "I don't know where I saved my file. Is there an easy way to find it?"

This has happened to me a lot of times! Even if I knew at the time where I had saved it, I forgot by the time I needed it again. That's why it's good to name your folders properly and keep things in order. However, if this happens, here's what you can do:

- STEP 1 -
Click on 'Start' located on the bottom left of your screen. Click 'Find' then click on 'Files or Folders...' See the image below.

- STEP 2 -
Where it says 'Named' typed in the name of the file you are looking for. Then click on 'Find Now'. The files searched will show up on the bottom. See the image below. I typed in the word 'Cathy' and the search came up with two files named Cathy.

Notice it tells you exacly where the file is located on your hard drive.

If you do not know the name of the file you are looking for, you can type in the extension of the file. Example: If it was graphic, the extension would probably be '.gif' , '.jpg' , '.bmp' or other. Let's say you remembered that it was a '.gif', then type in 'gif' in the folder find to search for all gif files. Do not add the dot in front of the extension. Once it searched for all the 'gif' files, look through them and hopefully one will catch your attention and trigger your memory.

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Copyright © 1999/2002 by ~Jenna
Created in December, 1999