Nothing Really Started untill 1914

Nothing Really Started untill 1914

We weren't the First African-American Greek-letter Fraternity to be founded... However, we are definitely the Fraternity of Firsts...

First to have Presidents of other countries in it's membership
(Hon. Bros. Kwame Nkrumah, Dr. Nnamdia Azikiwe, and Nelson Mandela)
First Greek-letter Fraternity to be recognized by Howard University April 15, 1914
( WYF wasn't until October 28, 1914)
First to be offered a chance to merge with another Fraternity
(Kappa Alpha Psi...Thanks, but no thanks!!!)
First to hold a joint International Convention with another African-American Fraternity (WYF)

First to establish a chapter South of the State of Virginia before the year 1915

First to establish a constitutional bond with a Sorority (Zeta Phi Beta)

First to establish a youth auxilliary program (Sigma Beta Club)

First to own and operate a Credit Union for it's members

First to establish chapters in the Continent of Africa

First to establish Graduate/ Alumni Membership

First to establish an Graduate/Alumni Chapter
First Fraternity to step with a cane
(Not KAY)
Lastly, many Fraternities may have supported the Million Man March, but only

P H I B E T A S I G M A F R A T E R N I T Y,

can lay claim to not only supporting, but sponsoring the
March in it's International Headquarters.

If you didn't you know!!!

Often IMITATED, but never DUPLICATED!!!

Unofficial Sigma song