My Life Is Greek

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My WHOLE LIFE is Greek.
I thank the Lord for my Prophytes who selected me to be a part of their bond. As of today, my whole life is GREEK. Everything I do is GREEK. I'm proud to be GREEK I pledged for it. I bled for it. Late at night, EVERY night when Locked up with my Line Brothers getting my butt beat because I forgot the founder's names, I didn't quit. No way no how. I just learned HARDER. I didn't think about quitting. If they had MADE me quit, I would have shot somebody! I wanted it BAD.....and other then Life & Limb, there's nothing that would have stopped me from finishing. I would do it all again if I had to. The day I crossed, somehow gloomy days seemed bright. The worst big brother hugged me for 60 seconds straight. I didn't get it. I didn't understand it. I thought they hated me. They loved me. They smiled. I walked into a room that looked like Christmas in March. So many gifts. The colors so bright. They said, "Put it on and call it out!" I thought it was a trick but it wasn't. I tried to call it out, but my voice cracked. They all laughed and hugged me some more. Don't worry NEO, you'll get it!"

I was Greek CHEESE* The meetings began, The business started, The community service was scheduled. I was a part of it all. Somehow my fan base increased. Hey wassup sexy!" ,"Ummm, hi," who was that anyhow? I have more friends today then I had yesterday for some reason. Hey NEO, you did well, I saw you, Be Out!" she says. But who is she? OH YEA, she's from the sorority that came out to see me when I was pledging. WOW, they are all my friends too? THIS IS GREAT! Ok NEO, write this down...We have to meet with the BSU to do this, we have to meet with the school to do that, we have to go to this high school to speak with the kids, we have to go to the church to help with this. On Saturday at 8am you need to BE THERE on time to go here. On Wednesday right after work you need to be in a suit to be there. On Thanksgiving you need to help feed skid row. On Halloween you need to come play with the kids in the projects. Get with the president of such-and-such to buy an Ad for their Ad book.

By the way did you make it to Community Service last week?

Anyhow, keep writing NEO...... There's an NPHC meeting on Tuesday and your our representative. In one week we are going to paint over the graffiti on Main Street In 2 weeks we are going to clean up the 405 freeway from the Cherry Street Exit all the way to Bellflower exit so be ready for that. Go rent a tuxedo! Because the Graduate chapters annual ball is coming up and tickets are $50.00. Regionals is coming up in Washington this year so make sure you get your plane tickets, registration is $125.00 and room rates are $99.00 per night and it last 5 days. Oh yea, and this is a National Meeting year also, they will be in Chicago, so make sure you have your plane ticket for that. Registration is $175.00 and room rates are $75.00 per day, it will last 6 days. Don't forget to pay your dues. Buy Nelia and always represent. AND DONT'T BE LATE for the party we have tonight. We have been planning This party for a month, and you need to WORK the door. You know us Greeks are the ONLY organizations on the ENTIRE CAMPUS that even throws parties for the students, so you better Be out! Call me later for updates. My pen ran out of ink. WOW....I have to do alllll this in ADDITION to my daily life stuff I was already doing before I pledged? Well you know what? Whatever I couldn't write down I memorized. I became good at memorizing stuff. and guess what... I DID IT ALL. Cause I am Greek. and proud to be! Thank you Prophytes. YOU THINK YOU ALL THAT!" the bold GDI tells me. You walk around campus with your chest out and your head all high and nose in the air laughing and smiling with your Frat brothers like your better then me! You ain't ----! You ain't better then me! What is a NEO to do in this situation? All of a sudden everybody is snickering at me and smacking their teeth. Every other day I hear a new rumor about me. All of a sudden I am a Hoe. THEY SAID I DID WHAT?? Why is this happening to me? YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. This is the same guy who smokes weed and hangs out in the school quad all day trying to get at every girl that passes by. This is the Highlight of his day. YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. At first thought, I wanted to compare my upcoming and past calendar events and appointments with his upcoming and past calendar events and appointments and let the facts answer that statement. But I won't go there. He just won't understand. YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. But I can barely hear him because I am so tired from staying up all night from pledging my NEW members that will join the bond in short time. "YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. I want to tell him that he is correct. I am not better then him, but I can't because I am late for class. "YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. I want to explain to him that I am not BETTER, but instead I am EXTREMELY PROUD, and there is a big difference. However, I don't have time to talk because I busy on my cell phone talking call the Venue owner to setup a party that this same GDI will be shaking his ass at in a couple weeks.

"YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. "YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. "YOU AIN'T BETTER THEN ME!" the GDI still yells. I answer him "No, I am not BETTER then you. I love you. I am a GDI too ya know. However please understand my friend that I am PROUD to be doing what I am doing. If it wasn't for my Fraternity, I wouldn't be doing it, and we would both be sitting on the sideline smoking weed and watching the girls walk by. However I do not choose to sit on the sideline. I am a DOER. And my fraternity gave me the means of DOING. Not even considering the difficult pledge process I went through, if me and you had to compare what I DO as opposed to what YOU DO and base who is BETTER off of the results....... then HELL YEA, I AM BETTER THEN YOU. Now please excuse me, I have to go to the computer lab to finish building my chapters website. I'll see you in the quad when I'm finish." I just realized something. It just hit me like a ton of bricks... I am Greek. And I will be Greek till the day that I die. There's nothing on earth that can change that. I have over 100,000 brothers & over 1,000,000 extended family. I can step into ANY CITY and have a home to lay my head. I will NEVER be homeless. I will NEVER be without a job. I will ALWAYS be loved. No matter what. Some people ask me "Is this your LIFE??" "Is being Greek and doing Greek stuff YOUR LIFE??" Some Greeks are ashamed of that. They probably SKATED anyhow. I answer every time... "HELL YEA THIS IS MY LIFE! AND I LOVE IT!" I am in a community of beautiful people. Bruhs- Something someone sent my way...all I know is "all of My love, peace, and happiness, I'm gonna give to OMEGA!" A people of DOERS & THINKERS. They are great people. We all have a common interest creed & spirits. We all think alike. Sometimes we do not get along, but what family does? My fellow Greeks are the BEST OF THE BEST. They are the CREAM OF THE CROP. My Greek friends think how I think. Like what I like. Do what I do. And in the end of the day...... I'm still a GDI. I still get to do what GDI's do. Just call me a GDI+. Or better yet, a GDIG. I am Greek. A BLACK GREEK. Standing tall & proud and ready to serve my community. I wouldn't have it any other way. And anybody who says otherwise.... can kiss my Black Greek Ass.