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ESW The Sears Party

Drum roll please! Ta da! Here are the pics from the Work Party! Thankx to Michelle for the pics. They were taken in a dark place and Quick Camed online so their not the best but *shrug* ah well.

Ya can see me there. I don't remember why my arms are in the air. Everyone else was doing it so I figured "What the hell?"

Ah, Stacking Boxes at it's finest. Jay's on the left. I'm behind Jay, and Jeff is on the right.

I really don't know why I was sent this pic. I don't think that's me. It's hard to tell. I think it's Jeff. Anyways. Keona's on the left and Sol is in the middle.

More Boxes. More Stacking. Again, Jay is on the left, I'm behind him and Jeff is on the right.

The Dinner Table. From left to right: Jeff, Jay, Me, Keona. In fron of Jeff is the back of Lotus' head and to her right is the guy she came with. Never did catch his name...... Anyways not pictured off to the left are Art and his wife from Microwaves and not pictured to the right is the guy Keona came with. Missed his name too....

There's half of me. Most likely I was telling Michelle to rock on. I don't remember why or why there is only half of me. If anyone can find my left half, there's a reward out for it.

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