Public Crotch Smacking
This is an interesting Sears story. I, Jason was ringing out a
customer. He was about 20 with 5 or 6 friends around teh same age with him. They were all horsing around
and laughing so I really didn't think anything of it - After all, I do the same thing. I didn't think a thing of it,
however, until one of the people smacked the guy I was ringing out...Right in the crotch! I was compleatly
shocked-I even said, "What the hell?" Out loud. The guy started lauging and all his friends were like..."Hey!
Invite the guy (me) to the sausage party tonight! Yeah and get his phone number!" I merely replied to the
gentleman "Do they...Smack you often?" He laughes and said, "They're just asses." I continued the
transaction, and when I was finished, he turned around and... Only to get smacked in the crotch again! This
induced a sort of frenzy in front of the housewares cash-wrap... (WM's note: Register for those who arn't down on
Sears lingo) All six or seven of the started smacking each other's crotches. I could NOT for the life of me
understand what in humanity's name was going on...But, whatever, it's Sears. I shouldn't be suprised.
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