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Doneks: from "Handbuch Der TaubenRassen"

By Joachim Schuette

With notes by Dr. Savos

Translation from German to Turkish by Savos
Trans. from Turkish to English by Kurt Gursu

They are mainly raised in Turkey. These strong built birds can be seen in almost all colors but, mostly in pied and bald-head patterns. Tail is in general larger than normal and comes with more than 12 feathers. Doneks gain altitude quickly and never fly in a group (Dr. T.S: In reality, this is how Kelebeks behave. As long as the dropper is not shown doneks fly together.) Their attention is pulled down by wing flopping of another bird. They immediately dive with a high speed. In the mean time, mainly to their left side, they spin as the wing tip is the center point. (Dr. T.S: There are many types of spins but, the goal is to get corner of the tail and the tip of the wing together as the center point of the turn in an as tight as possible, fast spin while the wings slightly open . The most desired is the dive with a steady -very difficult- speed and the wings open in a larger degree, almost like a plate.) The ones that can turn to the right and to the left are the most valuable. They do not come with crests and besides the common clean leg types it is possible to find grouzed types also, and in reality they are the same breed as the Macedonian divers.(Dr. T.S: It is very dificult to say they are same breed since, they have been isolated for many decates and have gone through different selection process. However, in no certainty, their origins migt be from one breed. In fact, I believe, kelebeks also come from same origin but, certainly a different breed. As far as I know the Macedonians have feathered legs almost as much as the kelebeks and are larger in size. In the past it was not possible to see a donek with feathered legs in Turkey but, in last few years there have been imports from Macedonia and mixed with our doneks.)