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Hello Kelley,

Thank you for your reply. I see you know a lot about Greek pigeons, probably more than I do.

Let me tell you how 'vudes' (Greek pronounciation), WUTAS work and how to train them. Just suppose that we have very good Wutas it means that from the loft they will fly directly up into the sky, not circling like most and they fly 'to the gods' as we say. When they are flying they must be the only pigeons out of the loft. When you want to bring them down you open the loft and the few Wutas that you haven't flown will come out 5 - 10 metres from the loft and these will bring them down but sometimes if they are flying very high if you let a 'tippler' or 'roller' fly round close to the loft and this will bring them down. For the these pigeons they must fly on an empty stomach. In my experience the best way to breed these birds is to breed the best with the best, good wing, good eye and a very good temperment (must not be timid but should be very calm). When I go inside the loft with a stick, I touch the .pigeon I want outside with it and it will immediately come outside and fly, this is why they need a good temperment. When I'm training the babies T tend to do it in groups. I take out 10 adult birds and have them opposite to the loft, T then let out the babies. When they get close to the adult birds I then let all of them fly together and this is how they learn.

Obviously the first time up is not very high and progressively higher, I fmd that after 3 or 4 times out they are ready to fly. Sometimes when they are being attacked by a Falcon they come down so fast and straight that the Falcon usually cannot catch them. Sorry to conflise you but what you call the Wutas are what I call Skycutters. The situation in Yugoslavia as you probably know is very bad, unfortunately we do not have any contacts inside either Yugoslavia or Macedonia. We see on the TV the terrible conditions in Kosovo and the many refligees leaving crossing over into Macedonia as long as they keep their borders open (which they are threatening to close due to the arnount of refugees). Let's pray that it soon finishes.

I send You my best regards and hope to hear from you very soon.

All the best,

  Dimtris Fouskis

  Crete - Greece