There is a reason why we placed the TO CLOSE FOR PICTURE and this Second capture next to each other for easy study. On October 17th 2003 Chuck and I decided to go out to the cemetery and snap a few early morning pictures. Nothing else resulted besides this photo. We think it may a second capture of TO CLOSE FOR PICTURE. You can make out one face for sure in the mist, the other is sightly covered and hard to make out, as the same thing going in TO CLOSE FOR PICTURE, but not as bad. We will be studying these two photos for quite some time. It would greatly help to see what you think on these two photos. Are these faces the same faces as caught on film over three years ago?
There is more.... Chuck snapped this pic after I brushed off a head stone (removing a leaf that had fallen of the trees) when a power surge went up my arm. I moved away from it quickly and stopped in my steps and Chuck snapped the picture and this showed up. I have to say I will never do that again, the last thing I wish to do is tick off a spook.