Basic HTML - Easy way to begin a page...

^dont forget your HTML Tag..

<title>Practice Page</title>
^theres your title

<body bgcolor = "black">
^sets your background color

<font face="verdana" size=1 color="white">
^sets your font properties for your page


^these are your closing tags

<title>Practice Page</title>
<body bgcolor = "black">
<font face="verdana" size=1 color="white">

^thats the finished html , to insert words and what not , just put it between <font face="verdana" size=1 color="white"> and </body>

like this 

<font face="verdana" size=1 color="white">
hey im darklord.

to make 'hey im darklord' bold , do this ...

<b>hey im darklord.</b>

to center the sentence , just do this

hey im darklord.

see? simple...

and if youd like to put spaces in between a lot of words , do this....

hey im darklord.
im bored
i like fries.

ect ect

too put images on your site , you must upload them to the server you're using , and link them like this

***this is the link to the TP2k Image

<img src="">

also , to make links you must do like so

<a href="">Link Name</a>

learning the basics of html is easy , you just need to practice over and over with pages.. 

heres the finished product of what i made....

<title>Practice Page</title>
<body bgcolor = "black">
<font face="verdana" size=1 color="white">
<img src="">
<b>hey im darklord.</b>
im bored
i like fries.
Visit my Site at : <a href="">TP2k</a>

^^^ theres a whole easy paage lol