You have to remember that, in our society, everything we are taught as children and most of what we see and read in the media is specially designed to lull us into docile acquiescence. Selling fear is a nationalized industry. If you want to disempower people, offer them a perpetual diet of scary problems that they have no power to fix. Keep all of the real information hidden or obscured. Feed people loads of trivia, and hype endless, meaningless sporting events to keep them entertained, while you keep repeating that they have no power to run their own lives. Pass laws to make sure people are encumbered as much as possible, and take half of their money to make certain of that fact. Keep people insecure, and tell them that only the important men at the top have the power to protect them, heal them, provide for them, inform them, and so on. Welcome to our Bureaucratic Droneland. My mind, and probably yours as well, was programmed at a young and tender age by an insidious mind control mechanism that said we couldn’t make it on our own. Piffle.
Stuart Wilde