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Full-Blown Rants

The Mexican Insurgence

I know how unpopular it is to speak of any other culture in a reflective way in this P.C. climate, but I do think that this subject, this takeover by Mexican citizens, is wrong.

Earlier this year I heard the news that California was now over 50% Mexican. When did our country, our citizens, decide that it was okay to be overtaken by another culture? If it was a Polish Insurgence, or a Nigerian Insurgence, or a Chinese Insurgence, or a Russian Insurgence? Would that be okay? Isn’t The United States based on the “melting pot” idea? Is one ethnicity suppose to dominate?

Culturally Mexicans and Americans are at opposite poles on the subject of children. While here it is considered irresponsible to overburden the population of the world, Mexicans believe that reproduction is heroic.

And if those Polish, Nigerian, Chinese, Russian people came here in droves ILLEGALLY and said, “We reject your culture and refuse to speak your language.” Would you say, “Okay. Then I guess we will have to learn yours.” Would you?

My brilliant friends, my government officials, say to me that we need the migrant workers. Are you willing to do without your fruits and vegetables? I say this: Once upon a time people ate fruits and vegetables in season. Everything wasn’t available every day of the year. They waited, anticipated, the ripening season. And if you have ever eaten a tomato right off the vine you know that “in season” means a far better product. So go back to that.

Also I hear how much we need the landscaping teams. “You can’t get a kid to mow your lawn anymore.” Bah! Hogwash! Then how come early this spring I called the local schools and put in a request for a kid to mow my lawn and I had many responses. Guess what the schools said when I called? “We haven’t had a request like that in years.” No we adults have stolen the jobs away from our children. Instead we simply throw money at out children. It’s easier. Guess most of my neighbors think that it is easier to have a Mexican service come in and swipe over their lawn in seconds. I guess having a lemonade with the lawn boy (or girl), talking about the world, the community, life, if just too much work.

Do kids want jobs? You bet they do. The ones in my neighborhood are always coming over and asking if I have any work I need done. Summer and winter they are here. You should also know that my lawn boy lives in a section of town that would be considered chi-chi.

I could go into other disastrous effects of this Mexican Insurgence. The dishonoring of people from other countries who came here and thought it was worth it to become citizens, to learn the language, to learn the culture, to assimilate. This group includes a good Mexican friend of mine.

I think we can find better, more logical ways, to help our neighbors to the south, than to allow this silent, and apparently, government-assisted overthrow.

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