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Think About It

Gimme, Gimme

I know what I say here will be very unpopular, but here goes:

I saw a news show where they featured one of the widows from the WTC incident.

She is around 30 with a young child. She feels she should get enough money to keep her large home and stay home and raise her child. Basically she wants to be taken care of for the rest of her life.

I say she is ridiculous.

Women lose their husbands every day to diseases, car crashes, divorce, whatever.

She is not unique.

Here’s what to do to stay alive:

1. Cash in his insurance policy.

2. Sell the huge house.

3. Buy a smaller place.

4. Get a job.

5. Go on with your life.

And if you are a bottom-feeder, immediately go trawling for a new moneybag husband.

Hopefully you will be lucky and fall in love with another man one day.

That’s it. I will go stand in the corner now.

P.S. I know I shouldn’t examine other people’s grief, but it has been barely two months since the incident. If that were my husband I would still be shaken to the ground. I would be in tongue-tied with sorrow. Maybe I’m not tough enough. I guess we all have our own path.
