![]() Show Opens Wes Ikeda is shown sitting at his desk looking over tonights card and going over some other notes for the show. Theres a knock on the door and Wes calls out come in. You hear the door open and Wes looks up, a look of anger immediately coming over his face. Shane McMahon walks into the frame Wes Ikeda: *He stands up* What are YOU doing here?! Don't you think one McMahon running around here is enough for this federation? Do you honestly think I need you? Really Shane, you aren't even supposed to be here, but I am in a rather generous mood so I will just go ahead and ask you what in the hell you want. Shane McMahon: Whoah, why the hostility? I feel a little bit of animosity here between us. I've come here to... how do I say this is a way that you'll understand. (holds up a peace sign) I come in peace Wes Ikeda: You come in peace? You've been doing my finishing move for the last five years, and you come in peace? Why don't you go back to the "E" you crawled out from underneath of! Shane McMahon: Your finishing move? Last I checked... look I didn't come here to argue who has the better "gimmick" between us. I know there's history between us, but I'm putting that aside to address an issue thats in both of our best interests Wes Ikeda: Can't you see I have a show to do Shane? What, what could possibly be in both of our best interests? Shane McMahon: That's just it. Your show. You see, while i do aknoweldge you're shows have grown in quality as of late, it is missing one factor. John Cena. Now i know, u beeing the "skillful business man" that you are, you let him go not too long ago, but that's ok. Wes, we all make mistakes. And i'm here, as Cena's representative, to let you know he will still allow you have him participate in the Royal Rumble Wes Ikeda: John who? *Wes smirked.* Cena's dead weight. He's not even cleared medically. Thanks though. If he gets well, and we do wish him well in his future endeavors. The door is always open. Shane (obviously peterbed) slams his hand down on Wes's desk. He lowers himself closer to Wes and gets right into his face Shane McMahon: Look, you know as well as I do, medical clarity means jack in this business. I've seen superstars work with concusions, broken arms, and even worse. You can't honeslty tell me you've never bypassed medical clearance for ratings. And you cant argue the fact that Cena pulls in the ratings. And what better than a man who was in an almost LIFE-ENDING car accident a month later to compete in one of the biggest matches in wrestling today. I know your business savy isn't that great, but even you have to see the significance of that. Wes Ikeda: HAVE YOU EVEN BEEN WATCHING THIS SHOW?! My best friend... that's right Shannon Moore, the man who whooped John Cena's ass, was in a car accident in October and was wrestling in November... like I said... the E is calling your name ShaneO. Shane McMahon: Look, I don't care who your best friend is or who your brother is, just like you don't care who my sister of father is. Put all our past behind you and start thinking with your head instead of your fists. Ok, i'll give you that Moore came back from a car crash yeah yeah yeah, but i do remember him also coming back early when he was yet to be cleared medically. Now what kind of a precident are you setting when you bend the rules for just one person, who happens to be your best friend? That's not a wise business move, Wes. Wes Ikeda: So what are you asking me to do here Shane? Shane McMahon: Look, all I want is Cena to be in the Rumble. That's all. Wes Ikeda: Okay fine. If you're half dead Cena can fight tonight and win, then he can be in the Royal Rumble. Shane McMahon: Just write up the contract. And you've got a deal Wes Ikeda: Fine, if John Cena can beat Scotty 2 Hotty tonight then he can be in the Royal Rumble... Good luck Shane, good luck... Scene: Fade to a comercial
Match #1 AMP defeated MNM when Petey hit the Canadian Destroyer on Nitro. (AMP edged out MNM on this occasion. Welcome to the EBWF Jen!) Match #2 John Cena defeated Scott 2 Hotty after a thunderous FU. When the match was over "Not Listening" by Papa Roach hit and Wes Ikeda came out to the rampway. Shane McMahon was ringside with John Cena, and Wes sarcasticly clapped. Wes Ikeda: You know Shane, if there is one thing I have learned in my carrer it's that you should really learn to read contracts a little more thoroughly before you sign them. The contract John Cena signed clearly stated if he beat John Cena you, Shane McMahon would then be entered into the Royal Rumble. The 23 spot looks nice and empty... and it has your name written all over it! So feel free to start training and getting yourself ready for the Royal Rumble, because you are about to be in the most hellacious match of your life! "Not Listening" hit again, and Wes walked to the back.
Match #3 Jeff Hardy and Sting were fighting back and forth, and Jeff Hardy got the Twist of Fate in on Sting. He just about had the match won when Triple H came down the rampway. He was carrying a sledgehammer, and the fans started to boo him. He rolled into the ring with the sledgehammer, and hit Hardy with it. The ref immediately called for the bell and the announcer said Jeff had won the match. However Sting and Triple H did not let up. Hardy was busted wide up, bleeding from his forehead. The crowd started chanting, "We want Shannon. We want Shannon." Shannon didn't come out to the ring, and everyone seemed to be very confused. Suddenly the titontron flickered, and the crowd sees Lita running into Wes' office. Lita: I can't find Shannon! I was going to go out there to help Jeff, but I can't find Shan... Wes turned from the monitor where he was watching the attack take place, and he turned and looked at Lita. Then he briskly walked past Lita and out the door with her following close behind. He hurried to the Imagi-Punks locker room, and when he got there, he noticed that someone had blocked the door. Shannon was trapped inside. He could hear Shannon's yells from behind the door. Wes Ikeda: Shannon? Lita: Shan? Shannon Moore: *From Behind the Door.* Wes?! Wes?! LOOK WHAT THEY'RE DOING TO NERO... GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!! Wes reached for the board that had been pryed between the knob and the door frame, but he couldn't get it unjammed. Wes then started kicking at it, and finally it came loose. Shannon threw open the door, and ran passed them. Lita flipped her hair, and chased after her brother, leaving Wes standing there. It was only a moment before the siblings were out into the ring. However, Sting and Triple H had already jumped the guardrail. Shannon slid into the ring, and grabbed Jeff Hardy under the head. Holding his lifeless body in his arms for a moment as Lita stood by. After a moment the medics came and put Jeff on a stretcher. Shannon looked down as blood stained his body.
Match #4 Edge defeated Taz with the Sphere. (The infamous one liner.) Backstage Wes Ikeda walks into a common room backstage. He finds Shannon's security team Mitch and Killer sitting at the table playing cards. Wes bursts into the room, and the production truck had their finger on the dump button. Wes Ikeda: Where the *beep* were you huh? Why in the hell was Shannon Moore locked in his locker room huh? What in the *beep* do I pay you for you stupid *beep* Killer: Huh? What happened to Shannon? Wes Ikeda: Yeah, you wouldn't know would you you idoit? The Four Horsemen locked him in his locker room, and attacked Jeff Hardy and all you mindless, over grown *beep* have to do is make sure he doesn't get hurt, and you idiots can't even manage that. I give you my most prized possesion, and you can't even look after it? What's wrong with you people... why in the hell would you be in her playing *beep* cards when you're supposed to be... Mitch: Wes, hang on, hang on... Shannon asked to be by himself for awhile, so we backed off. He wanted to get ready for his match, so we gave him his space... Wes Ikeda: You never should have left sight of that door do you understand me?! You always should have been able to see that *beep* door! Do you two understand me? This is never to happen again... Wes stormed off and left the security team looking at each other.
Match #5 Austin Aries was fighting a hard fought match, and he nearly had Angle defeated when suddenly Davairi jumped up on the ring apron. He distracted Aries, and then Chris Masters and Chris Benoit came through the crowd. Davairi distracted the referee as the two men disposed of Aries at Angles command, and then Angle went for the pin. Then the referee saw Angle, and counted the 1...2...3 The tron flickered, and while distraught over what had happened to Jeff Hardy earlier in the night, Wes Ikeda's voice boomed out over the arena... Wes Ikeda: Angle... is this the Cabinet you have been boasting about? Well let me tell you something right now, I am not impressed! In fact I am so much so not impressed that I am putting all three of you in the Royal Rumble to face each other, and if you even think about working as a team you well be disqualified. Oh, and yes, Davairi is banned from ringside. Watch your step Angle... because your cabinet... will be finished before it even gets started... The fans cheered and Wes disappeared from the screen...
BACKSTAGE Todd Grisham waited beside a Limo in the arena parking garage. Soon the Four Horsemen exited the arena, seemingly in a hurry since Shannon Moore was on the hunt for Triple H and Sting. Grisham pulled the Nature Boy aside and asked him a stupidly obvious question. Todd Grisham: Ric Flair, does all of this recent teamwork mean that the Four Horsemen are back together? Ric Flair: *with his trademark Nature Boy grin* Was there ever any doubt? Wes and his cronies can never keep down the greatest thing goin today! Todd Grisham: Well Ric, what are your plans for the Horsemen? Ric Flair: You think I'm going to tell you that? You, just like all the other people out there, are just gonna have to wait and see. *he grinned again* Todd Grisham: Well, can you atleast tell us your plans for the Royal Rumble? Ric Flair: Grisham... *he patted Todd on the chest* You're cute. Now stop asking stupid questions, we have things to do... *he joined the other Horsemen in the limo and it drove away*
Match #6 Carmella hit the Bada Bing, Bada Boom on Torrie Wilson to Retain her women's championship match. (Carmella had the better RP.) Match #7 Simon Dean came out to the ring on the Dean Machine. The crowd booed him, and then the Soldier Song hit and the crowd went insane. However Shannon Moore did not come out to the ring. The camera went to the backstage area where Wes Ikeda was standing in the gorilla... Wes Ikeda: Hey... guys... Yo CREW! Has anyone seen Shannon? Crew Member: *he looked up from the crate he was picking up* Yes. Mr. Ikeda. He just was running through here. Had a crazy look in his eyes. Wes quickly pulled off a production guys headset and put it on speaking into it, so every crew member, including camera men could hear him. Wes Ikeda: Ladies and Gentlemen this is Wes Ikeda... Someone SPOT Shannon Moore, and get a camera on him... NOW!!! Just down the hall, Shannon Moore was sprinting. He had managed to go back to the Imagi-Punks lockerroom to put Jeff's belts back away for him. He was turning the corner when a camera man spotted to him and yelled out his name. Shannon paused and turned and he was immediatly on camera and Wes Ikeda saw that he was only a hall way away. Lita was seen running down the other hallway that led to the intersecting one. She stopped and called out Shannons name. He stood frozen for there were 4 people calling his name. Shannon Moore: WHHHAATT?? I have to get to Jeff people! What in the *beep* do you all want!?? The cameras were rolling, and the camera man was just pleased that he had done his job. Wes was back in the gorilla watching this all unfold on a monitor. Lita rushed up to Shannon. Lita: Don't you hear the music... The screaming... Shannon... Simon Dean... your match... Shannon Moore: *he let out a sort of actual torn whimper* Nooo.....I have......I cant do this right now.....Christine I have to go get them! You saw what they did! The fans will.....they will understand.....they HAVE to understand! The camera cut to a smirking Simon Dean in the ring. Lita: But... he's going to say... he's going to say he beat you Shannon... Suddenly, after seeing Shannon protest on the monitor, Wes was walking up behind Amy. Wes Ikeda: You have to go wrestle Shannon. You don't have a choice... come on... we all know you aren't going to be in Kansas City at the Rumble the day after your wedding... *Half the arena booed, because Wes just announced Shannon would not be on the show.* You got to go on tonight... Shannon Moore: I CAN'T! I have to go find the Horsemen! What would you want me to do if it were you in that ambulance huh Wes? What would you want me to do, what?! Wes Ikeda: Okay, alright fine go... just go... but be careful... don't get yourself hurt. Go... Lita shook her head as Shannon bounded off the other direction. Wes looked into the camera, as the arena gave a loud Shannon chant. Wes Ikeda: Ladies and Gentlemen your winner via forfiet. Simon Dean... The fans all booed thunderously, as the camera focused on Wes and Lita backstage... Lita: Baby do you think Shannon and Jeff will be okay for the wedding? Wes Ikeda: I'm sure they will Amy... I'm more concerned with whether or not the Horsemen will be okay for the Royal Rumble, once Shannon gets through with them... Raw went off the air with Lita and Wes shaking their heads and looking off in the direction Shannon had gone.