A man was on his way up to heaven after being hit my a automobile But just like everyone
else, he must stop at the Pearly Gates and past the test with John, or whoever is on duty The
man reaches the gates and says: "Samson, party of 1" John replies with
"Ah, a funny one Well as you know we can't let everyone in They must be a good speller So if
you spell your word correctly, you may enter heaven"
The man responds telling John that he is a great speller John then gives him the word "love"
The man quickly goes to spelling the word "L-O-V-E" John shakes his hand and tells him
congratulations But then adds
"Umm. Can you stand here for a minute I gotta really go to the bathroom" So the man, being
the good samaritan he is decides he could wait To his amazement after John leaves the
mans wife comes to the gates She looks at him shocked and the man looks the same
"What the hell are you doing here!?" the man says
"Well after your funeral i was so emotionaly distrought I walked out in the street without
looking and here I am So, when do I get to go in."
"First you must spell a word correctly" the man says.
The women smiles and says "Great! I am a good speller I'm gonna be in heaven So whats my
The man responds with: "Supercalafragalisticinspialidocious".