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Well it has been a long F'ing time since i updated the site. i added a bunch of new pics and will be adding more sometime really soon. The band still has a bunch of T-Shirts so if you want one email me or send in the order form. We will be selling the shirts at our upcoming show in portland at the asylum, check SHOWS section for details. In other news, we have decided to take some time to work on some new material. at the show in portland we are hoping to have 2 new songs. If you can please help support us and come to that show. we are expecting a good turn out but we are opening the show and usually the opening band doesnt get a good response, so come and show your love. thats the news for now, stay tuned for more news right here on Cicada news. later.

THE SHIRTS ARE IN, and dont they look F'ing AWESOME! everyone needs to order one! we have all sizes rangeing from Small - XXLarge. they are $10 so print off the order form fill it out and send away. Or you can email me and place an order, my email is or We have a show in the works that we will have the Ts at as well, so come check that out, and that will be posted on the shows section asap. thanks kids, and have a good day!

Yo, we now have T-SHIRTS available for order!! make sure you take a look on the merchandise section and place an order. We are planning on writing some new music and hopefully getting into the studio to release our long awaited demo. keep your eyes and ears peeled.

BIG NEWS IN! we have a show!!!! thats right folks, we havent played in over 3 months and are coming back to rock your world. check the shows section for all the details. there are some good bands that are playing it so come check it out. in other news, dont forget to come see the DAWN OF THE DEAD in action on the 27th of october, the doors for that are set at 8:30 and they are the opening band..prepair for pain. GO CHECK THE SHOWS SECTION FOR OUR UPCOMING SHOW IN NOVEMBER!

Ok yall, i have been being a little aggitated about not playing, but we are going to start practicing again really soon, so that makes me happy. you should be seeing us playing shows by this winter. the next show that we play will be a demo release so make sure that you check it out. there is a halloween show that is coming up on the 27th of october so i expect to see all you folks at the show all dressed up like clowns and ghosts!!! unfortunatly we will prolly not be playing it, but so far it has a good line up. My new band that i am playing BASS in is going to be playing. we are called DAWN OF THE DEAD, be sure to check us out for all your metal-face needs. also new upcoming band SULLEN SKIES will be performing so check them out and show some support. we also have the imfamouse REACH THE SKY playing this show. it is one show that you do not want to miss. so come one and cum all, you will be covered and dripping in BLOOD!!!!! - Rock on: Robert!

Well i updated the site again, i added the song titles that we have and i am on the way to actually typing the lyrics up too. i still only have one on there, but maybe after i get out of work tonight i will put another up there. i know the site is kinda lame and should be spiced up, so if you have any suggestions you can email them to me at or you can say it in the GBOOK because i read that all the time and sign gay things in it, later.

First of all i want to thank the two people that actually care enough about our music to come see us play in Lewiston over the last weekend. we played for about 20 +/- people. we had a fun time eventhough there were not many people there for us. so a big thanks to Rick Coughlin and Courtney Milan. Now on a side note to that, we will not be playing any shows for a while. For one thing our drummer is a football player and starts his season soon. so that is going to take a bite out of our availability. We will be cut down to about 1 day a week to practice, in which we are going to work on getting our shit tight as hell so we can record. We are planning on recording a DEMO very shortly with a friend in his basement. he has a 24 track digital recording system so it should actually sound pretty decent. We will see, if it doesnt sound at least somewhat good you will never get the chance to hear it. If it does we will have them for sale at shows, through mail order, or the best way to contact me personally. ta ta for now.

Well it has been a while since i have updated the site. We have some good news, the last couple of shows have been good. the last one that we played in bangor with unearth and crew was almost a disaster. at 10 am i recieved a call telling me that the sound guy bailed on us, and to find a new pa. well after a couple of hours of calling everyone we knew our drummer called a guy named Tim Bacon. he said he would do it. so then we had a sound guy. all in all the show went well. it would have been nice to see more faces there, but it was a pretty good turn out. we have a show in Lewiston tomorow. please come support us and dance like you know you want to.

Hello all, the venue for the august show has been changed, i am not sure where it is going to be but i will let you all know as soon as i find out. I took that flyer off the site and will add it back as soon as we get a for sure venue. take care.

Ok i have added the Flyers for some of our shows coming up. these will also be posted around town so keep an eye out. if you would like to print them off and hand them out we would be extremely greatfull. we all have jobs and it is hard to get this stuff out. and if you could also spread the word of this website it would help a lot too. We have been talking to the guys in Halo Effect and plan on putting out a split 7" with them. so keep your eyes and ears open. take care

Hey everyone, i added pics thanks to alicia. if you have any that you would like to contribute to the site drop me a line and we will get them on here and I will give you a thanks on the site!

ok yall if you are looking at this then i did something right. it has been a while since you have seen or heard from us and i have a lot to tell you. We have recently had a line-up change. Jesse Grant decided to follow his heart nad make music he actually enjoys. We have added a new Guitar player Dallas Seger. We are currently working on some new material that will make you pee your pants. We have a couple of big shows coming up and i hope to see you all there. check back for more info soon.