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Title: Precious
Author: Kaiya
Pairing: Xander/Spike/Dru
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Do we look like we own them? The muses own me, not the other way around, and I do not own the actual people, those belong decisively to someone else who wears a lot of suits. If you sue me, you'll get a lot of bills, and six cats... and an annoying bird.
Summary: Xander finds some startling similarities between a certain show and his life.
Spoilers: ???
WARNING!!! Threesome. AU.

Alexander Harris stopped the tape as Angel brought down the brick to crush the Gem of Amara. He started the tape rewinding. "What an ass." Xander avidly watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer since his friend Vo turned him onto it. It was eery how similar some things were between him and the character: abusive parents, not many friends, even the way he had shortened his name. Since coming to college though, most of that had changed. He had no further contact with his parents, and he found that people really did like him, people who hadn't known him all of their lives. He sighed as the tape stopped and he popped it out of the VCR to put it away. He had a psychology test tomorrow and he better get studying.


Xander leaned against the bar as he waited for the bartender to get around to him. It was Friday and he had aced his psychology test so he was out celebrating with his friends. //Who am I kidding, were college students we don't need an excuse// They were at the Stonewall, one of the local gay bars and Laura Tab would be performing soon. Xander and Laura had been roomies their freshman year and he tried not to miss any of his gigs.

Xander let his eyes roam around the bar, seeing who he knew, when he suddenly stood straight up and gasped. Leaning against the wall on the far side of the bar was a tall bleach blond with his thumbs tucked into his jeans. Black tee and jeans, red silk over shirt, and long black trench coat made him almost blend into the shadows. Yet the chiseled face and scarred brow were very noticeable. Xander looked around for Vo to get her to verify what he was seeing. She was chatting up a woman at the end of the bar. When he looked back at the wall, the stranger was gone. Xan took a few deep breaths as he searched the crowd, part of him wanting to find the guy and part of him wanting to hold on to the mystery, but there was no sign of the man in black.

"You're up, pet," a voice purred in his ear. He jumped an turned around and for a second he thought...//nah// The bartender spoke again, "What'll it be, sweetie?"

"Oh, uh, a Fuzzy Navel and a beer please."


Xander laid in bed that evening trying to get the mystery man out of his head. He had seen him three more times that night. Once the man was dancing with a dark haired woman who looked suspiciously like Druscilla, but every time he went to point him out to Vo, she was busy. And each time he had turned back the man had disappeared, nowhere to be found in the crowd. He muttered to himself as he rolled over starting to finally drift off, "Need to lay off the Buffy tapes, I'm starting to hallucinate."

It was later than Xander had thought as he left the pottery sheds on the far east end of the campus. He had stayed late to glaze his class assignment and it had taken longer than he expected. Now walking across campus to his apartment downtown, he felt spooked, as if the shadows were watching him.

He heard a sound off to his right from between the old library and the science building. He stopped and turned slowly to look. There stood the stranger from the club. Xander closed his eyes and shook his head. Slowly opening them back up, he looked around. The man was gone. "Really starting to lose it. Chill out, Xander."

He started walking again, hurrying his steps to cross the plaza. "Precious." The low hiss made him stop and turn again. Standing in the bowl of the fountain stood the dark haired woman he had also seen at the club. Her giggles followed him as he started running, desperate to get out onto the main street leading downtown.

His breath came in gasps as he shut the door to his apartment. Leaning against the door he looked around. Everything seemed normal. "I'm really losing it. Time to call Vo." He went to the bedroom and snatched up the cordless. Hitting speed dial he tapped his foot, waiting for her to answer.


"Hey Vo, it's me. I think I have a problem. I think I'm going crazy."

/What happened?/

"Well, it started last weekend. I kept seeing this guy, this really cute guy."

/The problem being?/

"Um.. Uh..he ..well I swear he looks exactly like Spike from the show, which would be no problem but he was dancing with this chick that looked like Druscilla. But the scary part is this evening I was on my way home from the pottery sheds and I saw him on campus and then he disappeared and then I saw Dru standing in the fountain and she called me pet and laughed when I ran away and please don't start laughing 'cause I'm really getting worried about my sanity and.."

/Xander, chill out. At the club it was probably just a couple that looked a little like them. Today was probably just an over active imagination. Calm down and lay off the Buffy eps for a while. Okay?/

"Yeah, you're probably right. It just really freaked me out on the way home tonight. So how was your test?"

/Well, Davis still can't write in English.../


"Name the nine big public theatres in Elizabethan London."

Xander glared at the ceiling, brow furrowed as he answered. " The Swan, The Rose, The Theatre, The Fortune, The Curtain, and, uh, The Hope?"

"Yup. My turn?" Vo put down her Theatre 101 notes and looked at Xan.

"How about a break and a munchies run? If this is going to end up an all nighter, I definitely need brain food; chocolate, chips, soda..."

Vo started laughing. "Yeah, go on. Get me some Sour Cream and Onion, will ya?" She dug into her purse and handed him some money. "If you don't care, I'd rather stay here and look over my notes."

"Sure, I'll be back. Oh, I invited Jerry and Kris over to study, do you know them?"

"No, I don't think so."

"Well, go ahead and invite them up if they show, 'kay?"


Xander grabbed his coat, wallet, and keys and headed out to get munchies. Vo settled back and was deep into re-reading notes when the buzzer sounded. She sighed and walked over to the intercom. "Hello?"

"Hey, Xan told us to come up and study. May we come in?"

"Oh yes. Please come in." She buzzed the door and waited. When no one knocked she opened the door with a frown and looked around. No one was in the halls. Shrugging she closed the door and went back to studying.

Not too long later, Xander let himself in, laden with goodies. "Hey, they didn't show?"

"Well, it was weird, someone buzzed and said that you had said that you had said to come over, but when I buzzed him in, there was no one there."

"Must have been someone playing a joke. Here's your chips. Now theatre?" //Please let it only have been a joke. Please.//


Xander gratefully sunk into his bed. His last final had been today and now he could concentrate on the holidays. He almost had his shopping done for Vo, with whom he was spending the holidays. He pushed away the depression that threatened to settle at being alone for the holidays and snuggled in for some well earned sleep.

"He's quite tasty looking, don't you think?" Dru asked from the shadows of the bedroom.

"Yes, pet, he is. Have you decided what to do with him, luv?" Spike slowly and quietly approached the bed.

"I think I ought to leave him a present. A reward for finals I think." She placed a blood red rose, thorns still attached, on the pillow next to Xander's head.

"That's very considerate, pet. Shall we go have dinner then?"

"Yes. I'm awfully hungry, I just wanted to see him first." As they turned to leave, Xander rolled over in his sleep and they froze. He didn't even wake up as the thorns pierced his neck. Dru let out a pleased little sigh. She crept over to him and gently rolled his head to the other side. She delicately licked the drops of blood from his neck, causing Xander and Spike to moan. Xander stretched his neck to allow her further access. Spike eased his erection and sighed before he spoke. "Easy, pet, we need to get dinner first. You don't want to ruin your toy."

Dru reluctantly pulled back and stood up. "Let's go get dinner. I'm hungry."


Xander woke up and stretched. His hand brushed over something soft and silky on the pillow next to him. He opened his eyes and looked over. There on the pillow beside of him was the blood red rose complete with thorns. He picked it up gingerly and sat up. Looking around the room, he couldn't see anything else that was different. He put the rose down and headed for the bathroom.

As he washed his face, he noticed the punctures in his neck. He hesitantly touched them, and was surprised when they didn't hurt at all. Sighing he went for the phone and called Vo. "Hey, did you leave a rose on my bed?...Didn't think so. I don't think this is my imagination this time."


For the next week Xander was almost afraid to wake up in the morning. Bizarre little gifts had taken to showing up around the apartment, sometimes when he was awake and in a different part of the house. There were frequently roses on his pillow, but there were other things as well. A blue hair ribbon tied around the bathroom door knob, a doll's head in the refrigerator. Two throwing daggers on the coffee table, apparently placed there while he was in the kitchen. He woke one morning with a beautifully tanned leather strap across his chest. A pair of black leather pants had appeared in the bathroom while he was showering, and his clothes had been returned to their drawers. He had tried the pants on and was very surprised at how good he looked in them. He hadn't told Vo about that little surprise. Then as abruptly as they had started the gifts stopped.

"How about draping the garland over the doors?" Vo asked. They were at Xander's decorating, with five more days until Christmas.

"Okay. Can you hand me another thing of staples? If I let go of these lights, I think I'm going to have to start over again." Vo handed over the staples before lifting out the first piece of garland.

"Um, Xan, um, do you mind if we do our thing Christmas Eve day? See, um, Mom sent me a ticket leaving out Christmas Eve night and I've kinda been ordered to come home and, uh, I'm not going to be back until the third."

Xander had stopped hanging the lights in the window and was just staring at her. Knowing it wasn't really her fault didn't stop the depression that came crashing down on him. Plastering a fake grin across his face and forcing himself to sound cheerful he replied, "Sure, Vo, no prob. Maybe you and your sister can make up while you're home."

"Are you sure you're okay with this? I mean I can always tell her I can't come."

"No Vo. It's no big." He turned back to hanging his lights trying to force back the tears that welled up. "You still going to make those cool mashed potatoes?"

"Of course. And I'm going to make a cherry pie too." Vo continued to talk of their holiday plans while Xander just nodded and kept hanging lights. //Alone, again. God I hate the holidays. I think I'd kill to have someone, someone who loved me.//


"Merry Christmas," he whispered into the empty apartment as the church bells started tolling midnight. Xander had dropped Vo at the airport after dinner. When he had gotten home, he had put in the new Enya CD that she had gotten for him. He had turned on the Christmas lights and turned off all of the others. He now sat on the floor of the living room watching the stars and finishing off the egg nog.

He got up as the CD clicked off. He stumbled to the bedroom and stripped out of his clothes. "Merry fuckin' Christmas," he muttered as he fell on the bed. "Another damn holiday alone." And with that, he fell asleep as one fat tear fell down over his cheek.

"Oh, my poor childe." Dru started getting undressed.

"Uh, pet, when did he go from toy to childe?"

Dru stopped and turned to look at Spike. "Mrs. Edith told me we need to rebuild our family. Daddy left and when he came back he was bad, so now we need to be Mummy and Daddy."

"Whatever you want, luv." Spike started to undress while Dru finished. "So are you turning him tonight then, pet?"

"No, I think tonight we just show him he's not alone. We'll turn him for Christmas." She glided over the bed to snuggle against the warm back. Spike refrained from pointing out that technically it was Christmas now and finished undressing. He laid down on the other side of the mortal. Xander, feeling the body in front of him, snuggled into Spike's chest. Spike instinctively started purring, trying to comfort the man. Dru looked into Spike's eyes and a wicked smile grew over her face.

She leaned over to lick the base of his neck. At his sigh, she shifted to nibbling the tail of his neck. He moaned again and shifted, moving his mouth to the nipple in front of him. Spike growled as Xander bit the nipple hard. He pulled the mortal up and kissed him savagely and was surprised at how fiercely it was returned. He was even more surprised as a warm hand wrapped around his erection.

Dru giggled as she worked her way down the firm back, nipping, licking and sucking. She rolled the young man onto his back causing him to let go of Spike. Dru worked her way up one side as Spike moved to work his way down the other. The talented tongues soon had Xander writhing beneath them. Dru moved in for her own kiss. Xander grabbed onto her as if she was a lifeline when Spike's mouth reached the mortal's cock. The cool tongue traced interesting patterns up and down and around the member. Xander's hips jerked and he groaned into Dru's mouth. Dru mover her lips down to the side of his neck. As Spike took the man completely into his mouth, she sank her fangs gently into the neck. Xander came almost immediately, holding Dru's head to him.

Dru sucked a little longer as Spike licked up all of the cum. Dru just as gently disengaged her fangs. Xander snuggled down into their arms as the moved up to hold him. They heard him mutter as he drifted off again, "Too bad you're just dreams." "You're right, pet, he belongs with us." Druscilla just purred.


"God, what a fantastic dream." Xander stretched and realized he felt more relaxed than he had in a long time. As he sat up, he saw a gaily wrapped Christmas present sitting at the end of the bed.

Cautiously he pulled it toward him. He opened the card that was laying on top. It had a beautiful bouquet of deep golden, orange, and red flowers on the front. His hands shook a little as he opened it.

'We want you, dear, forever. Never do you have to be alone again. We will see you an hour after sunset.'

There was no signature, but he didn't really need one. He put the card aside and started to open the present. It held another pair of leather pants, this time in a deep red, and two stretch velvet shirts, one black the other red. He gently laid them down and went to take a shower.

When he came out, he pulled out the black leather pants he had been given earlier, and put them on. They still fit to perfection. He then put on the red shirt and stood in awe in front of his mirror. He had never known that he could look like this. Putting on an old pair of black boots and grabbing up his coat, he left.

As he walked around downtown, he looked at all of the Christmas displays. //If I haven't lost my mind and they really do show up, do I want to go?// He thought about it as he walked, eventually ending up at the river. He watched in fascination as the ducks continually took off and landed. He looked up at the pale blue sky. //Do without the sunlight, but never be alone again. Do I really have anything here that I can't let go of? Vo, but I think she would actually be happy for me.// He suddenly realized how alone he truly was. Other than Vo, he hadn't made any close friends here at college. Lots of acquaintances, but no close friends. He seriously doubted anyone besides Vo would miss him.

He headed toward home, mind finally made up. //I'll wait until I see them. Then, we'll see.//


The bell rang exactly an hour after sunset, and Xander just buzzed them through. He met them at the door in just his leather pants. He blushed slightly at their sounds of approval. "Please come in," he said, formally inviting them in. He led them into the bedroom and sat down crossed legged, leaning against the headboard. Only when they had settled themselves, kicking off their shoes, and sitting on the bed, did he notice the two medium sized packages they were carrying. They sat them down at the end of the bed. There was an awkward silence until Xander cleared his throat.


"Well, Precious, Miss Edith said it's time we rebuilt our family. We want you to be our childe. You'll never be alone again."

"No, you'll never be alone again." Spike held out his arms to the person he hoped would soon be his childe. After a moment's hesitation, Xander crawled over and buried his head in Spike's chest. "Hush, childe, never alone again." Dru came up behind the mortal, both vampires purring, trying to comfort the young boy.

Spike pulled the man's head up and looked into his dark brown eyes. "Do you want this?" Xander nodded his head, so Spike leaned over and kissed him, teasing his tongue past the soft, supple lips. Xander arched into the vampire as Dru's fingers found his nipples, gently tweaking them.

Xander pulled away and turned to Dru, engaging her lips in a fierce, desperate kiss. He moaned into her mouth as Spike's fingers played around the waistband of his leather pants. Xander pulled his mouth free to gasp, "Some people have too many clothes on. I think I should do something about that." He leaned over and took the ribbons at the front of Dru's bodice. Tugging, he got them untied with the use of only his teeth and tongue, and started loosening the ties. Spike looked on in complete shock. He had never expected to see this aggressiveness in their Precious. Dru's eyes were closed and she was purring in pleasure. Xander slowly slid the dress off her shoulders and down to her waist, kissing and nipping each inch of exposed flesh. Re-capturing her mouth, he gently slid the material over her hips, pressing her back onto the bed and releasing her to ease the dress completely off.

He then turned to Spike who had already taken off his duster and over shirt. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he pushed Spike back onto the bed next to Druscilla. Lifting the bottom of his shirt, he ran his tongue along the waistband of Spike's jeans, then moved to nibble along the belly button. Spike arched up against the warm mouth, allowing Xander to lift the shirt higher up the chest. He nibbled his way up to the already taught nipples. With a small chuckle, Xander sucked one of the buds into his mouth and at Spike's hiss, he bit down hard enough to draw blood. Spike sat upright with a roar, letting Xander pull his shirt off and causing Dru to giggle with glee. Sharing a deep kiss with Dru, he forcefully shoved Spike back down onto the bed.

Xander started kneading Dru's breasts as she deepened the kiss. With a growl, Spike quickly stripped himself and moved up behind the mortal to tear the leather pants from him, revealing black boxer briefs. "Now who's wearing too many clothes?" he purred into Xander's ear, who pulled away from Dru with a grin and stood up to finish taking off his clothes.

Dru pounced on Spike, knocking him back, straddling his hips, and drawing her nails savagely across his chest. Xander crawled up the bed behind Dru. As she brutally kissed Spike, Xander nipped her firm cheeks and preceded to lick his way up her spine. She shivered but didn't break her kiss until he bit down harshly on the apex of her neck and shoulder. She shifted into game face and bit down on Spike's lip. He growled but controlled his face.

Rolling Dru off of him, he pushed Xander on top of her. She raised her legs and wrapped them around his hips, guiding him into her as Spike entered him from behind with a finger he had lubed in Dru's body seconds before. Xander gasped at the dual stimulation. "Are you sure you want this, Precious?" Spike whispered in his ear as he added another finger in to stretch the tight hole. Xander moaned and nodded frantically, so Spike added a third finger as Dru tightened her legs, holding Xander still.

She looked up at Spike and nodded. The vampire slipped his fingers out and slid into the tight, warm hole, changing to his true face. The two vampires held him still as they started to ride him. Dru pulled Xander's head down and he obligingly leaned his head slightly to the side. Dru looked deep into Spike's blue eyes as he pulled out and slammed back into the young man. Simultaneously, the two vampires sunk their fangs into either side of his neck. Xander came with a scream and collapsed on Dru. The vampires came themselves as they felt his climax in the rich blood. They gently withdrew their fangs and rolled the limp man to his side. Both punctured their wrists, pressing them to his lips. After a moment, he started sucking greedily on the blood offered, gripping their arms to him. The sucking slowed as the man's body weakened and died. The two vampires rolled off the bed.

"You go on and get cleaned up and dressed pet. I'll take care of us males."

They got cleaned and dressed and sat down on the edge of the bed to wait for their childe to awake. Spike leaned over and gave Dru a tender kiss before lighting a cigarette. He blew smoke rings for her to poke at and try to get around her finger. After a while the fledgling sat up and rubbed his eyes. With a little screech, Dru scrambled up to pull him into her breast.

"Are you hungry, Precious?"

"Yes, Mom, I think I am."

"Oh Spike, we're a family again. Let's go teach our childe to hunt."

"Just a moment pet, why don't we let him get dressed first." He handed over the black shirt and red leather pants that they had left for him last night. As Xander shimmied into his clothes, Spike placed the presents they had brought with them on the bed. "Happy Birthday."

Xander excitedly opened the gifts. The first was a beautiful pair of black biker boots. The second was a long black trenchcoat with enough room to move his legs but not as full as Spike's duster. He bounced happily and gave them both intense hugs. Going over to rummage in his drawers he pulled out some socks and donned his new clothes. Turning he presented himself for approval.

"Very nice Precious. Now let's go hunt, Mummy's hungry."



Vo let herself into the apartment, surprised that Xander hadn't already called her. "Xan?" There was no answer. She wandered around looking for a sign of where he might be. In the bedroom she found an envelope lying on the bed with her name on it. She picked it up and sat down to read. Opening the long thick envelope, she saw a stack of hundreds. She pulled out the note and as she unfolded it something fell on the floor. She gasped as she started reading.


A little something from my new parents. A thank you for being there for me and helping me. Anything you want out of the apartment is yours, everything else have a yard sale or give it away.

I'm happy now. I'll never be alone again.

Love, Xan'

She picked up the item that had fallen. It was a computer printout of a picture. Xan was dressed all in leather, standing between two people who looked exactly like Druscilla and Spike from the show.

"You lucky bastard. I hope you're truly happy."