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(1-7:8,11,17,26-29,3:8-13,20-22,4:1-11,7:9-17,14:13,19:1-10,20:4-6,21-22:7,22:17-21) Surrounded by enemies,overwhelmed by pain and grief,or confronted by seemingly insurmounted obstacles,a person can lose hope.The first-century believers must have struggled with maintaining a hopeful perspective during those dark days of persecution and depravation.In contrast,Revelation presents the promise that one day God will create a new heaven and earth.All believers will live with him forever in perfect peace and security.Regardless of their past troubles,believers can look ahead with hope,trusting in their loving God.


TODAY PEOPLE STILL STRUGGLE WITH DISCOURAGEMENT,DOUBT,AND DEFEAT.Depression has become epidemic as men and women feel that they are trapped in hopless circumstances.Even Christians can lose hope in the midst of trials.But the message of Revelation still rings hope through the night.We know the lord's appearing is one day closer.When we have confidence in this truth and in our ultimate destination,we can follow Christ with unwavering dedication,no matter what we must face