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Spiritual Warfare

We are going to talk about a Spiritual battle that
took place in the Bible to two men, their names were Paul and Silas...

In this war there were no bombs dropped,no guns fired and their was no one killed,yet their was great amounts of violence.The earth shook,prison doors flew open gaurds were overcome this is how we know warfare took place.Lets start where it all began ....
As 2 missionaries were preaching the gospel they came into direct confrontation with a demonized woman. They commanded the spirit to release her in Jesus' name,and the demon immediately released her!They battle however does not end their it mearly started.Theit was a satanic counter attack..people were stirred by this incident and threw Paul and Silas into prison.While in captivity the battle raged on as the two men set themselves to warfare through prayer and praise to God.In a short time the chains that bound them and the doors that held them in the jail were unlocked by a mighty earthquake!This battle did not end there though.There was an opportunity brought to them by God to share the gospel with the keeper of the prison,that night the keeper and his whole family received salvation! This is a powerful example of spiritual warfare you can read it in full detail in ACTS 16:16-34