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Ultimate Love

Ultimate Love
Ultimate love is something we all as men and women need to strive for.
It says in Gods Word love edifies and love is kind. How many of us have said things that weren't edifing or did things that were far from kind within the past few days?
If we truely love one another it will NOT matter what transgressions they may have commited against you. On the other hand if you have hatred in your heart toward someone it will only build up strife and cause problems between you. (Prov 10:12)
A example of true love can be found in (Rom 5:8) Our Heavenly Father demonstrates His love for us by sending the ultimate sacrifice, His beloved Son Jesus who gave His own life so we could live Eternaly in Him.
It says in (John 15:13) Greater love has no one than this,that one lay down his life for his friends. How many of us out there would be willing to put ourself into that situation? To actually die so another could live. We as Christians still have so much growth to do in love as well as other areas. We as children of God should strive to be more like our Lord Jesus. As a request to all who may read this message please join me and try to be more uplifting and show the love of the Lord.

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