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Here are some other pieces of Equipment you should look at.


This page contains vital pieces for one to play paintball with.
Loaders:  Loaders (or Hoppers) hold the paintballs.  Usually the loader hold 200 rounds, however there are different types of loaders that can hold 45, 100, 230, 300+ balls.  There are various types of loaders now.  The two types are gravity and revolution.  

Elbows connect the hopper to the non vertical feed markers.  Below are the ACI adjustable elbows, and are the best and most reliable to use.  Usually cost about $1-$2.

The is the VL Evolution.  The Evolution is a football shape loader.  From reviews that people have given me or that I have read, this loader is not worth the $70 it costs.  First problem is that the lid pops open more that a normal loader, and when it pops off, more balls will fall off.  Another big problem is that the speed collar cannot be used.
The 12 Volt Revolution is that best loader to hit the marker to date.  It operated off of two 9 volts which is regulated down to the 12 volt.  The cost $60, and if you put out allot of balls, this is the loader for you.  







Need the extra paint, pods store 'em.  They come in either 100 or 120 balls per pod.  There are several major brands of pods, below features the Dye and the VL pods.  Both are the 100 round size.  The usually cost $2-$3.

The 9 volt Revolution is just as good as the 12 volt except for the obvious difference.  This is more economic than the 12 volt at $45.  If I were to get a Revolution, I would prefer this Revolution.  


This here is the VL 3000.  I have not seen this loader in awhile, since I believe it flopped.  It is a 12 Volt that hold 300 rnds. This here is the Warp Feed.  Go to the my Automag page for more information.
This here is the standard and most reliable loader.  It holds 200 rnds.  The picture show a VL 200; however, the 32 Degrees 200 rnd, looks exactly the same.  Both loaders cost around $5. 
Speed Loader System.  The Speed loader is the best way to quickly refill your hopper, and they are virtually impossible to have open during the middle of the game.  In order to use the Speed loaders, you need the speed collar.  Both are made by JT.  The Speed Collar will fit on most any type of normal loader.  The Speed Collar cost $30, and the pod cost $8-$10 a piece.