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The Order of the Purple Target

The Order of the Purple Target is an award given to the person who has been wounded in action....WAY TOO MANY TIMES! This award is given each time we practice or participate in a tournament. The current holder of the Purple Target is Bravo Company Commander, Staff Seargeant Matt "FLOUNDER" Tolman.

Ssgt. Matt Tolman has proven himself THRICE now that he is more than deserving of the Purple Target, due to his dedication, natural skill, and...well all that would apply if he didn't get shot up all the time.This time in particular, he earned the award in a 30 Min. 1 on 1 game with team XO, 1LT. Brett Landau. His valor and skill proved themselves as he allowed the XO, on his first melee with Ssgt. Tolman, to walk all the way around and fire upon him FOUR TIMES before he knew where the XO was. Anyhoo, to check his personal info out, click on his picture below.

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