Tactics for discussion at meeting. {well these were for certain eyes only but what the hay read well and see you on the field}
Note all of the tactics discussed in this document are for your eyes only until further ordered by one of the battle commanders. Furthermore, any of these tactics may be subject to change by the battle commanders if they deem that these tactics are no longer suitable for the conditions, and or a changed layout of the battle field. The most important thing on battle day is to listen to the new instructions given by the battle commanders before the battles. If some tactics need to be changed they will be and if you are not following these new directions you may be jeopardizing the success of the whole team by being out of place or late on a move. We do not have the time or resources to explain tactics during the individual games, therefore you must listen to and follow all instructions given in between games.
First move for battle if based on castle side—one move to the barrel bunker at break, one person behind and to the right to protect from bunkering move, combatant in the barrel bunker must fire random shots to draw the attention and fire of the opposing team, once their attention has been drawn to him he should stay behind the cover with the exception of firing random shots in the direction of the other combatants, he must also be in constant communication with his coverman, this person must convey to the coverman when he has gotten the full attention of the enemy, the coverman must also be aware of the situation of the enemy’s attention, when these two are positive of the enemy’s attention they will convey this to the relay man who will then relay it to team two, if at any time the coverman sees the forward barrel bunker being rushed he needs to shout as loud as possible to the man in the bunker in enough time so that the person in the bunker has time to either lay plenty of fire at the incoming combatant, or if earlier approved by the leader of the battle, in some cases that will be discussed the player will be allowed to leave the bunker early, the coverman behind the player in the bunker once he hears the "clear for take-off" call will proceed to the barrel bunker replacing the other player, the player in the bunker will leave the bunker and proceed further into the enemy territory, he will then proceed to attack the enemy positions from behind other bunkers, as this is taking place there will be one team member that will serve as relay of communications between the barrel bunker team and team two, team two will stay along the back of the field towards the right side, team two will be made up of any other team members other than the three already given appointments, this team once receiving the signal from the bunker and cover men team two is to proceed as stealthily as possible along the right flank by leap frogging from the castle along the line of trees and with some people along the upper ridge behind the trees, by moving along the right flank team two should swing behind the enemy forces and catch them off guard, if this move is observed the forces may be told to continue by orders of the battle commander only, in this situation excess amounts of cover fire will need to be utilized to help in the movement of team two, if the opposition is too strong along the right flank the commander may call for a halt of the forward movement, at this point every member of team two should find adequate cover of their own, no two members of team two should occupy the same cover if it can be avoided, it is more important to find cover then get to better cover than to risk getting hit by moving to cover to keep from being in the same bunker with someone else, if this situation should arise go into normal two man squad tactics discussed later in this document.
Tactics for attacking castle side—the team shall be split into two man squads, these squads may work in unison without the direction of the battle commander, for the sake of understanding try to use signals set forth in the later segments of this document, if the tactics employed at these points do not coincide with the ones in this document that is okay, simply make sure that everyone involved knows what is going on and where they need to be so that we do not get any marks on our own players, the attack towards the castle will in this documents be described for use by four people, in a battle with any more than the four mentioned movements should concentrate their efforts in the middle, left-middle, and right middle of the field, please stay away from key movement points in this tactic plan for that will draw unwanted attention to these areas causing a need to alter this plan on one side of the field thereby making the movements of the other side less effective, in paintball the team must move in unison, without team work all of the tactics stated in this document are worthless, please read the first section in game tactics to fully understand what tactics we will be employing and why they work in the sequence in which we do them, now at the break squad one should move along the left flank, on member should take up a position behind the pile of debris in front of the castle, if this position is not immediately available he shall call for back up or cover fire so that he can reach this key position, the other member of squad one should move up along the ridge overlooking the battle field, he will try to be as stealthy as possible so that he can converge on the castle without much confrontation, the first member of squad one is to lay cover fire onto the castle and blocked widows as well as some paint through the open windows, the second member will proceed along the ridge to the location next to the castle, he should then move down the grade till he is along the outer wall of the castle, by this time he should have heard the number of people in castle from the first member who will shout it as if to tell the rest of his team so that they will not suspect any one on their flank, the second member of squad one will then get the all clear from the first member after he has surveyed the bunkers behind and next to the castle and deemed them uninhabited, the second member of squad one will then proceed around the back corner of the castle and eliminate all players inside, once this is done he shall make a c with his hand and show it through one of the non blocked widows of the castle, once the first member of squad one gets the all clear signal he should then proceed around the outer corner of his current cover and to the castle, making this move very swiftly is of the utmost importance, once both members of squad one are in the castle they should then both survey the bunkers behind and to the right of the castle, these bunkers must be cleared using any means necessary, the moves suggested are bunker rush or double trouble, bunker rush would be preferred in order to keep one of the team members in the castle for surveillance and angle purposes, once these bunkers are cleared one member is to move to the furthest most back bunker to survey the forward bunkers, he will then relay this information back to the member in the castle, once this information is relayed he is to clear any and all enemies that he can from his current position, after this he is to move to the right or left of his current position to try for an angle shot before moving forward, during these moves the member in the castle should be laying cover fire and/or hitting any enemies of opportunity without giving the enemy a chance to escape or realize his position, at the break squad two is to deploy along the right flank, one member is to take the right tape while the other is to stay more to the middle of the field, this is unless we have more than four people and then he is to stay more to the right side of the field, the members of squad two are to act as a distraction for the first part of the battle, they are to find bunkers with enemies in them and take out any targets of opportunity, the center member should stay in communication with squad one by means of simply yelling where the enemy forces are(what bunkers, how many etc.), the rightmost member of squad two is to stay as quiet as possible except for the occasional volley of fire at any targets of opportunity, the centermost member of squad (or the other squad if there happens to be one) should be aware of the movements of squad one, once both of the members of squad two have cleared the castle they should relay to the rightmost member of squad two that he is go for his next move by simply saying "clear for take-off" (this call can simply be a hand signal so long that both people know it is okay to move), at this point in time the rightmost member of squad two should survey the enemies surrounding him and judge when it is best for him to move forward to cover so that he can get to the back right flank of the enemy, once he is ready to move he should signal to his squad mate (or the other squad if there happens to be one) that he needs cover fire, he should only use the hand signal for cover fire (point to the cover of your hopper then if necessary fire one shot at the bunker or bunkers on which you would like the cover fire put hand signals explained later), once the cover fire barrage has started the right member of squad two should move forward staying along the right tape to a suitable bunker so that he can fire on the enemy, he should try to make it to a bunker parallel to the right tape as this will give him the most cover to fire on the enemy, this bunker should also be far enough behind the battle line that he can eliminate enemies, once both squads are in place the other member of squad two (or the other squad if there happens to be one) should start laying cover fire on the bunkers with remaining enemies, during this they should be moving closer to the enemy bunkers using the leap frogging tactic explained later, then the two members of squad one and the member of squad two behind the enemy should start moving out towards the enemy bunkers to eliminate the enemy from behind, both the frontal attack and the rear attack must make use of the cover around them as well for this tactic is useless if the enemy can simply hit three of our men for one of theirs, IF FOR ANY REASON ONE OR MORE OF THESE MOVEMENTS IS POSTPONED OR CANCELED THERE NEEDS TO BE A SHOUT TO STOP MOVEMENTS OR A CALL FOR HELP AT YOUR LOCATION, DO NOT SIMPLY STOP YOUR PART OF THE BATTLE PLAN WITHOUT LETTING THE OTHERS KNOW!!!!!
General Battle Tactics and their hand signals—
Bunker Rush- this move can be done with either one or two men, the one man bunker rush is much more dangerous due to the fact that this move inherently causes tunnel vision, for the one man bunker rush the player sees a very strategically important bunker that is occupied by the enemy, he fires a three shot cover fire burst at the bunker then leaves his bunker and heads towards the enemy bunker, as he moves he keeps constant cover fire on the enemy bunker as he rushes it, he will make it to the bunker as quickly as possible, once at the bunker he can reach around and tag the person in the bunker out if the situation permits or he can round the bunker and fire at the occupant if he feels that the situation dictates this move. The two man bunker rush requires one person for cover fire on the bunker and the other to charge the bunker, once both team members are ready to move the first member will fire the preliminary three shots at the enemy held bunker, after this he will move around his bunker on the less occupied side and proceed to the bunker, because he will be focused on the bunker the cover man must watch the surroundings for signs of trouble and then must cover fire in two places to allow the rushing player enough time to make it to the bunker, the rushing player should also try to keep aware of his surroundings as well but because his main focus should be on getting to and clearing the bunker, the attacking squad member should avoid shooting any paint whatsoever until he is at the bunker because if he shoots he gives away the fact that he is attacking the bunker thereby giving the enemy time to react. (FOR THESE HAND SIGNALS MAKE SURE THAT YOU AND YOUR SQUAD MATE ARE ON THE SAME PAGE!!! MAKE THE SIGNAL THEN HAVE YOUR SQUAD MATE SAY THEM BACK TO YOU IF THE TIME PERMITS) The hand signals for the bunker rush are: for the one man rush you can either point at yourself point to your bunker then fire one shot at the bunker you are going to rush, or you can call for your squad mate to rush the bunker by pointing to him then pointing to the bunker and firing one shot at the bunker to be rushed, if you are calling for your squad mate to rush the bunker please offer to do the cover fire if this is not possible do to heavy fire on his bunker then that is okay, if one person calls for a two man bunker rush he should hold up 2 fingers then point to the bunker, then he is to point to either himself or his squad mate point to the bunker and then fire one shot at the bunker to be rushed, he is then to point to the person who is not rushing the bunker and point to the cover of his hopper to show that that person should do the cover fire. IN ALMOST ALL CASES THE SQUAD MEMBER RECEIVING THE INSTRUCTIONS SHOULD REPEAT THEM BACK TO THE MEMBER ISSUING THE ORDER SO THAT THEY WILL BE ON THE SAME PAGE WHEN ATTACKING.
Double Trouble- Double trouble is most simply a bunker rush by two players on one bunker from slightly different angles, the two should attack the same bunker at the same time separated from each other by 5-15 feet, 15 is on the long side, what you want is for the person in the bunker even if he does try to fire on you to have to pause a moment to try to decide which one of you to shoot at, if he does stick his head out from behind the bunker simply put the normal three cover shots at his bunker and he will be forced to retreat back into the bunker, then the two of you should round the bunker on opposite sides and either tag him or shoot him, both of these squad members must be aware of enemies around them, this move like the bunker rush can cause tunnel vision in unwary combatants, also any other team members around the double trouble rush should try to keep an eye out for any enemy team members trying to get a bead on the rushers and should try to move into position to keep him behind his cover. The hand signal for the double trouble should be using both hands to make the letter d then the letter t, then firing one shot at the bunker to rush, a simple nod or "alright" from the other squad member will be sufficient in communicating that both members know the plan, the two shall then move out in unison to attack the bunker.
Leap Frogging- Leap frogging is a move that can be used very quickly to get two or more members of a team up the field very quickly, this can be done more slowly and more quietly, the main reason to use this technique is to take ground between you and the enemy base, the main use is to get two members of a team swiftly to the enemy base, in an elimination game it can be used to lay cover fire while one member moves to a more flanking movement, then the roles switch and the other member of the squad should then move forward, then they shall switch again etc.