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    Brittany's Page


1)At the food store: Closed do to illness

2)One day Mrs. Stevens asked little Danny  if he knew his numbers. "Yes." he replied. "My dad taught me!"  "Let's see if he did a good job." said the teacher. "What comes after three?" "Four!" Little Danny answered proudly. "Good! Now what comes after five?" "Six!" Little Danny said confidently. "I think your Dad did a great job." Mrs. Stevens replied "But just to make sure, what comes after ten?" Little Danny beamed: "A jack!" 

3) Mandy: Derek! You know that the cat has a sensitive stomach-why are you feeding it birdseed?

Derek: Because that's where my canary is!  

4)Lonely frog: Do you think I'll ever meet a  beautiful girl?

Psychic: Yes, in the near future. And she'll want to know all about you!

Lonely frog: Great! At a party?

Psychic: No, in biology class.                                        

5) Did you here the one about...                  

...the termite?

He walked into a saloon and asked, "Is the bar tender here?'' 


Along my page you will see some animations like the one just bellow. I've created them by using an interesting program called "GIF Animator 5". I hope you appreciate them!




Here's a picture of me (left) and one of my best  friends Mélissa Dazé. (right)







Dogs are friendly right? And most cats won't get along with them.  The following animation shows a dog who thinks that his companion would like to play... Guess again!

For my last animation this is a worm who try's to save himself the trouble of crawling around the apple and of eating the whole thing. While trying to do that he realizes problems of his own.