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My Virtual Photo Album

Welcome to my online photo album. These are my friends that I have made over the past year And I also play with in Unreal and UT !!! And I will also have to say that these people have become just like family to me !! : )

Thumper (SOB)

Thumper is the one that got me into playing these games online. He's my real brother and I have always looked up to !! And the one that I always run to when I have a computer problem !!!!! : ) Love ya Thump (This is Thumper with his son Jeffery)

Deathwing SK

This guy, well all I can say is that he can get under your skin at times but is always a sweetheart and is always there when I need help or just to talk or even just to stay up late with in the middle of the nite and play UT and get drunk together on RW !! I consider him a real close friend and probably always will be !! : ) (This is Deathwing with his Sister-in-law and niece)