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FIRST AID and Safety Information


Paintballs are non harmful and non irritating to the skin. However, avoid contact with the skin. If contact occurs, wash immediately with soap and water. Avoid contact with the eyes. The paintball fill is an eye irritant. If paintball material gets in the eyes, DO NOT RUB. Rinse and flush with a "for eyes" saline solution. Do not rinse or flush the eye if the eye has been impacted and/or damaged. Cover the injured eye & seek further medical attention. Paintballs, especially at close range and hitting soft skin areas, can break the skin. The doctor said that the most important thing is to scrub the wound and get the paint out. With all types of wounds and abrasions, infection can set in rather easily.
  1. Always wear approved goggles at shooting range and in or near playing field.
  2. In goggle required areas the goggle/mask may not be removed for any reason which includes but is not limited to: fogging, painted lenses or during an injury.
  3. Never shoot at anyone who is not wearing approved eye protection.
  4. Paintballs may travel up to 250 yards (if unobstructed) and still hit with dangerous velocity. All persons within this range must have all the necessary safety gear on.
  5. A player is emphatically disallowed from shooting at any other player showing a neutrality symbol, any non-player, any judge or any animal or bird.
  6. No player may shoot at any person, object or animal outside the perimeter of the active playing field.
  7. No player may intentionally shoot at any other player's head or face.
  8. No shooting at any object closer than 20 feet away.
  9. Observe all safety rules applicable to firearms when handling paintball guns or other gas powered devices capable of launching projectiles.
  10. Never shoot anything from a paintgun except the water-soluble paintballs.
  11. All paintguns must be chronographed prior to use in play and shall not exceed a velocity of 300 feet per second.
  12. Never shoot at another person in anger or with intent to cause harm.
  13. Paintball guns or other gas powered devices used in paintball games must not have a paintball or other projectile chambered while in the staging or parking area.
  14. Never look down the barrel to see if it's dirty. Just squeegee the barrel or use your fingers to check it.
  15. Paintguns without approved barrel blocking devices must be carried on safe, with the barrel pointing to the ground while in the staging, neutral or parking areas. No waiving them around in a neutral area.
  16. No discharging or dry firing of paint ball guns is allowed in any neutral or non-playing area.
  17. Do not use a paintgun until you have been versed on its use and understand such use.
  18. Do not shoot across neutral or staging areas or parking lots.
  19. A barrel blocking device must be used when not shooting or when you are not in an active field of play.


Including but not limited to the following:
  1. ALWAYS WEAR APPROVED FOR PAINTBALL EYE PROTECTION when using paintguns, or when you're near an active paintgun or dis-charging/shooting area.
  2. Do not play paintball type games in or around neighborhoods, public areas or anywhere a stray paintball could hit a non-participant or someone's property. Always play at a Paintball Field that adheres to approved standards of operation. See: Telephone book, "paintball" or the internet to find fields in your area. Predetermine which fields are, safely run and insured.
  3. Never cock or load the paintgun while it's pointed in the direction of any person or animal.
  4. Do not exit an active area of play without the barrel plug in place and your barrel pointed toward the ground as you exit.
  5. Never shoot paintballs at any non-active player, person, animal or bird.
  6. Paintguns, paintballs and pressurized bottles must be kept out of the reach of children.
  7. Paintguns must not be used by children (anyone under the age of 18) without the expressed consent of their parents or legal guardian and then should be used under adult supervision.
  8. Paintguns should be stored uncharged and unloaded. (Always treat it as though it's loaded)
  9. Paintguns should be transported uncharged and unloaded.
  10. Do not shoot cars, homes or other items with painted or finished surfaces. The paintballs are non-toxic but can dis-color or dissolve painted or finished surfaces.
  11. NEVER shoot at anyone not wearing approved goggles or eye protection.
  12. Observe all safety rules applicable to firearms when handling a paintball gun.
  13. Never shoot anything from the paintgun except water soluble paintballs.
  14. Don't play paintball games on property not designated or permitted for paintball game use.
  15. Never brandish paintguns in public places. It may be illegal and others including Law Enforcement officials may not be aware of what you are doing. They may construe your actions as a threat or a danger. It is best to transport your paintguns in a bag or carrying case.
  16. All Federal, National, Territorial, Provincial, Regional, State, County, City, Municipal or Township laws, regulations and safety codes apply to the use and ownership of paintball guns. Know them!
  17. Do not point or discharge a paintball gun or other gas powered device used in paintball games at anyone not in an active game or wearing all the necessary safety equipment. Even if there are no paintballs in it (which should not be assumed) there may be shell fragments, dirt, sand or other loose material that can cause damage. Additionally, a CO2 blast at close range could be damaging.
  18. Maximum industry regulated velocity for the USA and Canada is 300 feet per second. If you do not own a chronograph, have your paintgun speeds checked before it is used in play, at a game field or other dealer.
  19. Keep your barrel pointed in a safe direction at all times. (Even when you set the paintgun down)
  20. Keep your finger off the trigger until you are ready to shoot. Your finger should not be on the trigger in a neutral, safe zone, no goggles required area or other non playing area.
  21. Clear the chamber and the barrel when you are through shooting. Semis have to be cleared upside down or they will feed another ball.
  22. Never look down the barrel of a paintgun, even with the power source disconnected. Some Paintguns still store enough CO2 to shoot a few paintballs after the power source is disconnected.
  23. Remove all power sources before disassembly of a paintgun.
  24. Do not handle or use paintguns or other gas powered devices used in paintball activities or games until you are familiar with their working characteristics and have read all manufactures warranties, safety precautions and have read and understood all paintball safety rules.
  25. Never shoot at another person with the intent to cause injury or harm.
  26. Gas pressurize your paintball devices only when you're ready to use them.
  27. Don't handle, play with, load, use, or fire any gas powered device while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
  28. Never shoot a paintball at, near or through any door, doorway, entrance, window, etc. This kind of playfulness, whether on your personal property or not, is not safe. Anyone could surprise you and come through an entrance, just as you shoot. Do not shoot towards any game field entrance. While goggles are supposed to be on, the entrance is a likely area that people will have to be reminded to put the goggles on.
  29. Players should be advised not to shoot signs, houses, mailboxes, cars, cattle, etc. Vandalism, endangerment and mischief are crimes.
  30. Use all safeties when not in active play. i.e. Trigger safety (make sure it is pushed all the way in), Barrel Blocker™ or properly fitted barrel plug in place, bolts forward (un-cocked) on semis and full autos. All auto feeds and power feeds should be turned off.
  31. Do not wave a paintgun around.
  32. Do not shoot across neutral areas, cars, parking lots, or staging areas.
  33. Pay attention to where other's barrels are pointed.
  34. During play, avoid shooting at the head, neck, or groin areas.
  35. Know your equipment. Study the manufacturers manuals before using or attempting dis-assembly or repair.
  36. During a paintball game, do not shoot at any player showing a neutrality symbol, any non-player, any judge, any spectator, any animal or bird.
  37. During a paintball game, no player may shoot at any person, object, or animal outside the perimeter of the active playing field.
  38. Firearms, knives, and explosives (including fireworks) are strictly forbidden at paintball games.
  39. No physical confrontation or taking of prisoners is permitted in paintball games.
  40. Paintball guns or other gas powered devices used in paintball games must not have a paintball or other projectile chambered while in the staging or parking areas unless all safeties, barrel blockers and cocking mechanisms are in safe mode.
  41. Paintguns without approved barrel blocking devices must be carried with the barrel pointing to the ground while in the staging, neutral, or parking areas of a paintball field. As a general principle, all paintguns should be carried with the barrel pointing to the ground.
  42. Do not play paintball with anyone not wearing "approved for paintball" safety equipment.
  43. Never adjust the velocity of a paintgun, whether the barrel is on or off, with the fire ports facing toward yourself or in the direction of another.
  44. Do not effect repairs with the power source connected or while pressure is contained in the device.
  45. Do not adjust velocity with the power source connected or while pressure is contained in the device if you're in a neutral, safe or parking area (areas where goggles and safety equipment is not required.)
  46. Do not walk into any safe area with a loaded paintgun or other device capable of expelling a projectile.
  47. Paintballs may travel up to 250 yards (if unobstructed) and still hit with dangerous velocity. All persons within this range must have on all the necessary safety gear.