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UC Paintball Club & Team








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The Next game will be on Sunday September 29th from 9am - 2pm.

This day will have a slight twist to it.  Admission to this event is $15 (why you ask).  All the money collected this day will go towards Prizes. (how do I win these prizes).  Simply by participating you get one lottery ticket.  which that alone could win you a prize!!  How ever there will be other ways through out the day to get additional lottery tickets.  for example:  during some games there will be hidden tickets on the field, get to them before you get shot and its yours.  other ways include competition games, 3 on 3 game and the winning team gets one ticket each (even if you get out). and the last way is a duel.  you may challenge any player with a lottery ticket for there ticket.  It is totally up to them if they accept.  However if you do accept there may be a bonus ticket on the field.

What can I win you ask.  Its my hopes to better everyone's equipment to better everyone as a player.  There will be as many prizes as I can come up with but I need at least 12 participants.  But a 3 prize base is where it will start.  Again ALL money goes to prizes.  prizes to include things like 12 volt revy hopper, compressed air tank, Ballistic sports drop forward, and hopefully much more.

Good News and bad news.  I will be the one in charge of the event, getting the prizes, setting up the lottery, picking the names from a hat, hiding extra tickets.  I will also be the first to put in $15.  but I will not be in the lottery. (I will not win prizes).  In addition you can only win one prize.  To be fair.

This day is set up so that if you are still honing your skills or even a first time out player you can still win.  I welcome one and all to this event. Get your buddies together and come to this event.

If you are very interested in this please rsvp and let me know, It will be very helpful to have a head count for me.