"Silverlight, The Arcana" copyright Clyde Caldwell

Life's Torture

Life can be torturous at times and kind at others.
My heart longs for one but is chained by another.
She keeps my heart at bay, attempting to keep it shut
But when true love arrives, nothing can contain it

The chains fall apart and crumble,
As the heart beats once more
The darkness in my heart is replaced once more with joy
Its hard to think that once its arrived,
True love can make everthing else just fly
The joy and happiness that I feel around her,
Its like nothing ever felt before
Though after the long and enjoyable day
I return to a life of hell

As soon as I walk through those doors,
The chains attempt to wrap me again
But now I have love, and they fall to the floor.
They try again and again and again
But each time they fail, as my heart beats for one,
And its not the one I'm with.
