Passion_Sin's Page


"A friend is that of the morning
dewone who whispers tenderly
even wit a slight woo
gracing my life with
a butterfly's touch
and to have known you,
oh what such joy you,
my friend, is as no other
even as the love of a father or mother
a treasure that I hold dearly
if you should ever call
or need help up from a fall
grasp my hand, my friend,
my friend along the road which is life
we'll travel again
and again my friend,
my dear friend
until the end."


"Virtue is seeing things with your heart instead of your eyes...."



One windy morning,
I lay all adorned,
With flowers of violets and roses,
Including the thorns.
Maybe I should have listened to what they say,
The way the rain and snow came down that day.
With my heart beating at a quick pace,
I was in my first high speed race.
Around the first corner and to the next turn,
Keeping in mind what I would soon earn.
Then I soon saw what was in store,
I shouldn't have asked for any more.
There it was,
As plain as it could be, A 200 foot cliff right in front of me.


The Pale Pea

The sun glistened on the tiny pond near a patch of peas.
Everyday the peas would sun themselves
To the deepest brown that they could get,
But on the days that the sun wouldn't shine
They would stare at themselves in the pond.
This search for the perfect tan
continued on for centuries and centuries.
Then one day a new pod entered
The life of the patch,
But there was something unique and different
About one of the peas in the pod.
This pea was not a pale white
Like the rest of the peas,
but a natural goldenbrown.
Because he was tanned,
The other peas became green with envy.
So even to this day
You hardly get a tanned pea in a pod,
But when you do, think of the pea
Who turned all the others pea-green with envy.


Ask Me

Ask me where my heart went
Ask me why my eyes wept
I would rather die
I'd even tell a lie
But ask me where my heart went
Its just a wager or a bet
Sure to win, sure to win
Love gets lonely at times
A treasure lost to be found
Ask me where my heart went
With a sigh, I will only reply
My heart cried
Ask me where my heart went
I would only lie...


Me: moon up in the sky
Shimmering, shining-oh how I can fly
With an outstretched arm
You see, that is the beauty & the charm
Fire and water aren't made to mix
But somehow it has become my wish...
As is the music of the night...
Sent to whisper in our ear and tease the soul.
What lays in the distant path of life you say?
It is but an answer waiting for a question...
One which may never be shed from our lips.
Weep for now is the time to remember.
Joy, just a mirage in our minds eye.
Is it but a dream?


Black is up and white is down
Or was that the other way around
One often wonders what is to be
Because the light of day charges no fee
What is the toll, anyone to say
A penny for the rise of the day
Some say that just isn't enough
A little fib makes them tough
