"Crystal Magic" copyright Clyde Caldwell

You Say

You say that I am being led
By a rusted ring peirced in my nose
You say that I have fallen away
And a man always reeps what he sows

You say that I am walking down
A dead end prim rose path
Well friend I dont see one damn rose
Just miles and miles of broken glass

I have decended and planted my feet
On the soil in which you bury your dead
I have decended and planted myself
Within you, buried in your bed

I have been bruised by the shackles
Which the liberator placed on me
I am no longer bound
Through with your script and sodomy

Hush little child and you will see
Mythology, hypocricy
A most convincing facimile
A most complex felo de se
Noli me tangere
Nemo me impune lacessit
Non omnis moriar
Sic itur ad astra

We are sick of your scratch and script
We would fly but our wings you've clipped
On your alters our souls you've stripped
For your virgin sacrifice

You stand and preach the mighty plan
Offer the children your twisted hand
But now your progeny take a stand
Against your decadent device
Vov populi, vox die
Vox et praeterea nihil
Sic transit gloria mundi
Absit invidia
