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Friday, October 19th, Victoria

Today we met up at 8:00a.m. and headed off for our first trip. The crew consisted of Pam Hadiken, who drove us and put up with us all day, and 10 riders including me. The crew was Brett (nanaimo), Alan, Ben and Taylor (Campbell River), Travis (Vancouver), and Stephen, Kale, Alan, Mike and Myself (Parksville). First stop was Duncan Skatepark, and it was nice and soggy. we rode there for about 20 minutes and decided it would be funner to hit this park on the way home when it would be dry. So we headed off and took a quick stop at the superstore where we all took turns shredding around the store on this hybrid scooter bmx thing. the staff weren't too impressed with us for that, especially little alan ghostriding it into a big rack. Kale loaded up on Candy, while Taylor decided paying was for suckers and had a few "free samples". I hit up the Subway in there and the guy working was the slowest thing i had ever met in my life. So we finally got back on the van and headed to our next destination, Sooke Skatepark.

   We arrived at Sooke at around 11:30 I would say, and we rode that park for a good 3 or 4 hours. It was the funnest park I had been to in a while. The park was a little shady, but it had alot of different things than any park I had ever ridden. I took a nice bail on a feeble right onto my back and smacked the back of my head, but I was wearing a helmet so it was all good. just rattled my brain up a little. We all had a big flyout session on the big 7 foot berm/bank thing, which was alot of fun. Pam took pictures on her digital camera so I will have those on here as soon as she emails them to me. Taylor was blasting lookdown airs so nicely out of the quarterpipe there, and big X-up airs too. Marc was sessioning the outhouse which doubles as a wallride, getting pretty high up on it. He also did like a 630 tailtap on the box which was cool. Kale hurt his hand pretty bad, and decided to sit most of this session out. we left the park at around 2:30 or 3:00 and headed for subway. 2 times in one day for me. mmmmmmmm. We messed with the girl working there a bit, giving false names and whatnot, goofin around, and then headed back to the van. Kale spotted a sign in a store saying "cookies, 99 cents a box" and just about lost it. He hauled ass out of the van with Travis and came back with a couple boxs. Oh, and by the way, They were disgusting.

After that, we went over to Gordon Head skatepark, were we were yelled at by the skateboarders and told that we were "too big and quiet" whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. this one whiny bitch pushed stephen off of his bike when he rode by him. They were just total asses. We got sick of their Sh*t talk after a bit and left about 15 minutes after we had arrived. As we were loading up the van there was talk of Kale mooning them all on the drive out, but then we decided that that wasn't such a good idea due to the fact we were in the parksville parks and rec. van. That sure would have been funny though. So we headed for home with a quick stop back in at duncan skatepark, which was now bone dry. We had a good session there for how short it was. Ben and Alan and Taylor were sessioning that park. Alan was doing rad ally oop peg stalls from the 6ft quarter to the sub box thing there, and Ben hucked a nice barspin too. Stephen and Ben were getting their sprocket grinds down pact while I was trying to feeble stall this bank to small sub box, which I didn't ride away from. oh well. Travis went and did it first try. bastard. so we left Duncan and headed back to parksville. I had Stephens dirty gloves pushed in my face while I was sleeping and I'm suprised I didn't barf. We got back into Parksville around 6:30 and it was just getting dark. I went home and found a who framed roger rabbit mesh hat. stoked. Our next meeting is on saturday, October 27th. Any Island riders want to come, meet us at the parksville skatepark at a little before 1:00 that day. word.
