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Sunday, November 11th, Vancouver

Today we got up bright and early and met up with everyone, 14 people in total, down at the arena at 5:15 A.M. That was rough. We loaded up the bikes in the rain and left for departure bay praying that it wasn't pissing down rain in the big city. We caught the 6:30 ferry and proceeded to the cafeteria where i purchased the most disgusting breakfast i had ever paid money for. the sausages were the worst part so intstead of eating them we went on what i called "a sausage adventure" into the arcade and tried to throw it up into the candy crane machine for some unsuspecting little boy to win. no luck, they have some trap door that blocks any thing from being thrown up there which is probably a smart idea what with all the sick perverts and their poisonous candy. so we had to settle with lodging half a sausage in the pin ball coin return.

After we got off the ferry we noticed that the ground was pretty damn near dry and by the time we got to our first destination, Port Coquitlam, or "poco" as all the locals call it, the ground was bone dry. a couple puddles in the park but no complaints from us. we rode that park for a long time and had a rad session. Little Alan was learning how to air on the 6ft mini ramp, Taylor was doing all sorts of rad stuff like his usual sick lookback airs. I saw Ben do a one handed tailtap on this bank and he was sessioning the little bank to subbox there also. Kale took it easy for most of the time due to a broken ass he recieved the day before but still managed to boost higher than any 12 year old...wait...then most (insert age number here) year old person i had seen. Everyone was rippin it up, and i saw jords take a nice bail on a feeble grind down this big ledge. but he got up and then pulled it clean so word to him. There were about 10 little skateboarder kids (10 years old or so) who seemed to be getting an early start at talking sh*t to BMXers but after i gave one a dirty look he was quick to apologize. atta boy toni, way to intimadate a 10 year old little punk. ha. other than them we had the park to ourselves for most of the sesh, until about a half hour before we left it started to pick up. A local guy showed up, didn't catch his name but he was pretty good. Nose manualing here and there. this and that. We all got our fill of riding that park and decided it was time to move on.

We got back on the road and headed for Langley, cause there are about 4 parks in that town. It's a good thing we could find them too. We eventually came to a park known as "Brookswood" and by golly it looked swell. No but seriously it was a really good park. they had a 5ft mini with a spine that was like a good 25 feet wide or so. really good hips and rails and you name it. fun park. Taylor and Travis were both doing toothpick taps over the spine. i liked those. Mike Carroll was on a little mission at that park. he was stepping up his riding. it was good to see. I'm surprised he came after being hit by a Van of jynormous size the day before. He didn't complain about that once. his knee was a little tweaked, but he still rode. what a trooper. props to him. I saw him charging at the hip quite a bit. The hip there got some good usage by all of us and I will hopefully have some pics of that and of all the parks we went to if pam emails them to me. Taylor owned that hip with his tables. we all rode there for a good portion of the day and Ryan Mountain showed up about half way in. That guy is probably the nicest bmxer i have ever met. for any of you parksville contest goers, he was the tall guy who was throwin whips out of the 6ft quarter over the orange barrier. So we all rode with him for a while, and decided we should try out another park before it gets dark and what not. so Ryan suggested that white rock would be a good park to hit up. I was a little reluctant due to our last experience at that park (go to and read the story in the "Anecdotes" section to see what i mean). But Ryan said that the park was generally deserted these days and didn't get a whole lot of use by the same #*$@ers that used to skate there. So i thought "hey why the hell not, the worst thing that can happen is we will all catch a set of trucks to the teeth".

So we packed up the Van and started to drive away. About 10 seconds into the drive, Kale shouts out "Oh my god! Jordie is still on the roof!". Yup. J-Lo himself became teenwolf for a few seconds and took part in a little van surfing. As soon as Kale yelled that Pam hit the brakes and we hear this "thud thud" and "Hey!" very very faintly. A couple seconds later Jordie Jumps down with the biggest "I'm gonna piss my pants" look on his face that i had ever seen on anybody. So that was all fine and good, we got everyone safely into the van and headed over to subway for some eats. As we were walking towards the door we noticed a bike store next door to subway that was closed due to the holliday and all, but we had a quick look in the windows and noticed the had a "BADD" 24" cruiser on the stand as well as about 25 pairs of GT 4 piece vert bars. Ryan pointed out how in-demand those bars currently were and we all had a good little chuckle. We then entered Subway where i proceeded to attack Stephen in the line-up. hey it was a long line, and i had to do something to occupy my time. Stephen is fun to attack. so we all ate and got back to the van, and the whole time Ryan and his buddies just hung out and waited for us so they could show us how to get to white rock. That's pretty damn nice of them. Most people don't have that kind of patience.

We eventually left Scrubway and headed on over to whiterock. when we got there it had just finished "sprinkling" as my mother would say, and that plus the thick coats of playhouse paint that covered all of the banks, quarters and ledges made for quite the slippery combination. We rode anyways and eventually the water situation dried up, but that resolve the whole paint-not-being-slippery thing. ah well, can't win em all. I feebled a couple ledges that had been in the back of my mind since the last time i was there but hadn't had the nuts to do. so that felt like an accomplishment. Jordie did this gap across both the little boxs with the rail inbetween thing. its hard to explain but it was definately ballsy. Marc was whipping out of the bowl, and Wayne pedal grinded this big long ledge until the kink of the downslope. I'm not sure if he pulled the whole thing like he wanted to but it wouldn't surprise me cause wayne is wicked. Stephen almost made it all the way down the kinked ledge. he coulda pulled it if he had tried it a few more times, but whatever it was still cool. We rode there for as long as we could, and then it started to rain again. so we all had a few trains through the snake run and out of the bowl, as well as a bowl flyout session. i invented a new trick which i dubbed the "Pterodactyll Nac-Nac". Basically it was just a nac-nac with a Pterodactyll call added in for good measure.

We left whiterock and went to the Tsawassen ferry terminal to go home. Kale got out at the toll booth thing and pam drove all the way to the front of the ferry line without him, which is damn far. we looked back and he was tiny from where we were. we all had a good laugh as he ran his over-sugar ingested self to where we were all parked and waiting. We had to wait aboot an hour for the ferry and in the mean time we caused havoc and i pretended to trip headfirst into a sprite machine. good times. We eventually got on the Ferry and as we were loading me and jordie started a little game of tag in the van. well it continued out of the van on the car deck for a few minutes, as we both darted around parked rigs until one of the ferry workers started telling jords off. so while he was getting a talking too i ran upstairs. the game continued for about 20 minutes after that. it was intense. I eventually just let jords win and didn't bother trying to find him anymore cause i thought maybe he was still up on the deck and i wanted to see how long he would stay up there. a bunch of us made our way to the cafeteria and purchased some eats. Kale volunteered to drink a mystery drink we made up that consisted of water, chocolate milk, honey mustard, gravy, chicken strip, french fries and poo. thats right poo. no, wait, not poo. oh yeah, ketchup and mustard. He said "someone give me a dollar and i will slam this". a full cup of utter filth. so ben reaches into his pocket and forks over one bone, and it was one bone well worth it let me tell you. Kale drank the full cup of the sick combination, and then sprinted for the bathroom yelling "im gonna barf" shortly afterwards. he didn't though. damn. so the ferry finally got into duke point, and we drove home and then i slept. the end. There. i just wrote a bloody novel. i'll be surprised if anyone has read this far.  
